معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة  وانواعها  اين تعيش ماذا تاكل مدة حياتها اسماء صغارها
تعبير عن الجمل بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان اليف عبارات قصيره للاطفال
information about  برزنتيشن  معلومات بسيطه  اسم  نطق كلمة معنى كلمة برجراف فقرة تعابير
معلومات عن الفار بالانجليزي في مصر
ماذا يأكل الفأر كم فأر تلد الفأرة؟ كم عدد اولاد الفار كم يولد الفار كم يوم يعيش الفار بدون اكل
انواع  تكاثر الفئران كم فأر تلد الفأرة؟ تكاثر الفئران انواع الفئران المنزلية
اخطر انواع الفئران التخلص من الفئران نهائيا

the rat
If the rat was for a very long time considered a dangerous animal, feared by the man, it constitutes today a pet very appreciated.
The word "rat" is used in common parlance to refer to certain rodent mammals belonging to the muridae family.
There are essentially two types of rats: Rattus rattus, better known as the black rat, which measures 19 cm, and Rattus norvegicus, better known as the brown rat, which measures up to 27 cm.
The rat in society
This animal species fascinates, indeed, both considered dangerous, transmitter of multiple diseases, the rat is also very useful. This animal has indeed a significant ecological utility since it is large consumer of organic waste; Parisian rats devour for example about 800 tons of organic waste per day.
But it is especially in the field of science that the qualities of the rat have been recognized. Farmed rats are in fact very used by laboratories that appreciate their intelligence, which allows them to experiment on behavior.
It is besides its use in the laboratories which favored the domestication of this animal species. Domestic rats are the result of selection in brown rat farms. We can not consider that there are several races of this rat but there are strains or lines of laboratories, or different types of rats that is distinguished by their color, their ears, their hair ...
The rat is a very affectionate animal, easy to maintain because of its small size and robustness. It will also appreciate his intelligence, his ability to adapt and memorize and especially, contrary to popular belief, its cleanliness.

Domestic rat varieties
Biologically, the domestic rat belongs to the species of the brown rat but unlike the latter, it can be adorned with various dresses:
The main colors of the domestic rat are agouti (appearance of the wild rat), black, blue, mink, beige and champagne. In addition, each rat also has a mark showing or not white areas in various places: plain, berkshire, irish, hooded, ... Various elements are taken into account in the expressiveness of a color, so an albino will be white with red eyes, a husky will discolor with time ... A rat can have a smooth hair, rex (curly appearance), double rex (curly and sparse) or bare (no hair). Rats are also distinguished by the shape of their ears; for example some rats are "dumbo" with the ears bigger and lower, like the mice.
These domestic varieties most often appeared spontaneously and were then selected by humans.

Characteristics of the domestic rat
Lifespan: the rat lives between 2.5 and 3 years; this duration is slightly lower for rats living in the wild as well as for females.
Lifestyle: semi-diurnal
Diet: omnivorous with granivorous tendency
Adult average weight: 200 to 600g for females, 300 to 700g for males

A rat eats the equivalent of 8 to 10% of its weight per day. It feeds mainly on grains: but because of its opportunistic omnivorous character it can be tempted by kibble cat or dog, fruits and vegetables ... Its diet must include 14% protein for a minimum of 4% lipids. The daily dose, given at a fixed time, is 20 grams of food per day per rat.
Tip: some foods should be avoided such as chocolate as well as all sugary foods.
Similarly, if the rat can appreciate apples, it must be ensured that he does not eat pips that contain a low dose of cyanide, harmless for humans but dangerous for rats. Citrus fruits are also dangerous for male rats.

Way of life
Contrary to popular belief, rats are very clean: they clean themselves thoroughly several hours a day; the maintenance of the rat is thus facilitated.
The cage must be large enough (for the adult animal, there must be a minimum space of about 0.05 m³ per rat) and well ventilated. Privilege a tiered cage that allows your pet to exercise. Litter should be changed at least weekly and selected from non-dusty ones.

Tip: Avoid chip litter as it is toxic to the rat (it damages the airways and the immune system). On the other hand, you will be able to use hemp litter, corn stalks, flax, apple pulp, straw and sintered wheat. This precaution will help ensure a longer life expectancy for your pet!


  1. مكافحة فئران بمكة
    نحن افضل من يساعدك في القضاء على الفئران فقط عليك الاتصال على ارقامنا من اجل ان تصل الي افضل نتيجة من مكافحة فئران بمكة و جميع الحشرات االاخرى التى تسبب لك الازعاج نحن افضل شركة رش حشرات بمكة لا يوجد افضل من شركة صقر البشاير بكل تأكيد
    افضل شركة رش حشرات بمكة


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