تعبير عن العيش في الريف بالانجليزي تعبير عن قريتي بالانجليزي وصف القريه بالانجليزي
برجراف عن city life سلبيات العيش في المدينة بالانجليزي تعبير بالانجليزي عن حياة الريف
سلبيات وايجابيات العيش في المدينة بالانجليزي برجراف عن الحياة في المدينة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن المدن الكبيره بالانجليزي بحث موضوع تعبير ايجابيات سلبيات العيش في القرية البادية الريف بالانجليزي اللغة الانجليزية  موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية عن الحياة في الريف  الحياة في الريف الإنجليزي تعبير الفرق بين القريه تعبير عن قريتي بالانجليزي تعبير عن العيش في الريف بالانجليزي تعبير عن القريه بالانجليزي موضوع تعبير عن مدينتي انشاء عن مدينتي موضوع عن وصف الريف موضوع تعبير عن قريتي برجراف عن life in the country تعبير بالانجليزي عن حياة الريف تعبير عن قريتي بالانجليزي برجراف عن city life وصف القريه بالانجليزي سلبيات العيش في بالانجليزي برجراف عن الحياة في بالانجليزي سلبيات وايجابيات العيش في بالانجليزي تعبير عن المدن الكبيره بالانجليزي الفرق بين الحياة في الريف والمدينة القريه والمدينه بالانجليزي تعبير عن قريتي بالانجليزي وصف القريه بالانجليزي ايجابيات العيش في بالانجليزي برجراف عن city life الفرق بين الحياة في الريف والمدينة موضوع تعبير عن الحياة في المدينة برجراف عن life in the country برجراف عن الحياة في بالانجليزي

Life in the village Many people believe that life in the country is better than in the city, although they are wrong, living in the countryside is really difficult,
 going out at night, for example, is useless because there is nowhere to go to have fun, another thing is that when a person gets sick, it is difficult to find an ambulance to take him to the hospital on closer. another misconception is pollution, the countryside is not totally clean, breathing is not as fresh as people think, many homes are not
  not connected to the sewer, and do you know that many factories exist in many villages
At first, and it is undeniable, the installation in the countryside allows you to breathe easily. The air is pure and natural and the difference with the city is immense. It feels and feels, and all this contributes to creating a feeling of well-being, which is obviously important when it comes to the environment in which one is preparing to live daily. In addition, in the countryside, green spaces are not lacking, and we can walk on request, whether on foot, bike, horse or otherwise. In addition, the campaign is a very conducive environment for adaptation and easy meetings. People take more time to say hello, smile and chat. Toddlers generally feel fulfilled, and have the opportunity to play outside permanently, without necessarily monitoring you. On the other hand, settling in the countryside opens the door to many opportunities for entrepreneurship. Indeed, this may be the time for you to realize a project matured before or not, to open a business, which of course, it is appropriate for you to identify the needs of the area in which you settle. Finally, nothing better than not hearing the sound of cars, or neighbors who speak loudly, or listen to the TV too loudly. Indeed, in the countryside, it is usually a permanent calm that you can fully enjoy, especially when the sun goes down.
The inconvenients:
The main disadvantages are related to the distance. Indeed, living in rural areas makes us systematically dependent on the car. Whether it's going to work, going to the post office, bakery or shopping, everything we need is usually far from home, which makes us spend a lot of time in the car every day. For children it is the same problem to go to school, college or high school. Generally they have to take the bus and this can sometimes be long, especially if it is daily. Living in rural areas also suggests working in a rural sector, which is not always the case. It is obviously easier for a country doctor, or a nurse to find a job quickly than for a business executive. Learn well, and choose your location according to your professional activity (need of proximity or not with an urban environment). Finally, far from the city also means far from all cultural entertainment (cinemas, theaters, museums, concerts ...), some of you will survive better than others, but it is true that it is sometimes difficult to do without it, especially when you come from a big city.

In the end, when making the decision to settle in rural areas, it is important not to have a priori, since each can shape his own campaign according to his desires and his projects, but also according of the idea that one has of one's new life. There is not a campaign but campaigns, and this is the main difference with the city.

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