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برزنتيشن عن ذكريات الطفوله بالانجليزي
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تعبير عن ذكريات الطفوله بالعربي
تعبير عن طفولتي
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تعبير عن رحلة الى الشاطئ بالانجليزي
موضوع تعبير عن رحلة قمت بها مع زملائك او اسرتك
برجراف عن رحلة مدرسية

A trip to Australia

by Peggy Chen (14 years old), 2014

Last summer, my family and I had the opportunity to travel and discover the beautiful continent of Australia. It was not an easy choice between the other beautiful places in the world, but this country has always fascinated me with a culture and landscape very different from ours. In fact, Australia is one of the richest continents in the world and also one of the largest countries. My parents immediately bought airline tickets when they learned about the wonders of Australia that awaited them.

All morning we woke up to catch a direct flight to Australia. We arrived at the airport tired. I realized that the flight would last about 20 hours! I slept all the way, but I already felt the difference in climate. Finally arrived in Sydney, we immediately settled in a hotel.

The next day, we went to visit the opera house which had a beautiful architecture. It was here where my family and I noticed their English accent that was different from English from here. Then it was a perfect day to see the famous Australian animals at Taronga Zoo! There, I saw animals like kangaroos, koalas, orangutans. The following days, the intense heat stifled us, but we enjoyed the beaches, shopping centers and beautiful museums of Sydney.

Before I could realize it, a week had already passed! It was time to return to Montreal. We prepared our luggage and, giving a last look at the beautiful landscape of Australia, we boarded the plane to return to Montreal.

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