1- (The first people) set themselves apart from other creatures when they learned to control (animals) and when they picked up ( stones ) for use as weapons ) and tools.

2- At this age, farming technologies were ( advanced ).

3- The most common crops planted were ( wheat ) and ( barley ).

4- When the early settlers moved from one place to another the land left behind was(barren).

5- The Anglo-Saxons ruled England for ( 600 ) years, forming the basis of its                 )culture, language and borders ).

6- By the ninth century, the country was divided into (four) kingdom
( Mercia, Wessex, East Anglia and Northembria ).

7- The term Anglo-Saxon refers to settlers from the (German regions) of (Anglia) and (Saxony) .

8- The Roman armies withdrew from Britain early in the (fifth century).

9- After the departure of the Romans, the ( Frisians ) and the ( Jutes from Denmark) were settling in the British Isles.

10- The Anglo-Saxon rule lasted for ( 600) years, from (410) to (1066), that time Britain's political landscape underwent( many changes).

11- The Anglo-Saxon era also referred as the (dark ages).

12- The Anglo-Saxons were (pagans) as they worshipped (Gods) and (Nature).

13- (Slavery) was one of the biggest commercial enterprises of Dark Age life.

14- In war the common weapons were spears and shields. only the nobility used )swords) and ( hilt)s.

15- (30) years of Danish raids on the (East Coast) of England preceded the arrival of a great army in ( 865) .

16- Coins were valued only for their ( weight ) in ( silver ) or( gold.)

17- Precious metals were also a symbol of(  wealth ) and ( power ).

18- Far and away from the British Isles, the most common metal in the economy was (silver).

19- (Silver) circulated in the form of (bars) as well as in the form of ( jewellery) and (ornaments).

20- The main Anglo – Saxon kingdoms each had their own coinage.

21- Payments continued to be primarily based on the (total) (weight) and )quality) of the (silver).

22- Some women made their mark through exceptional (status) or )achievements).

23- ( Horns ) were used instead of cups  for drinks.

24- The dark ages preceded( the Middle Ages ).

25- The life of all classes was dominated by the ( Feudal system ) in the middle ages.

26- The pilgrimages are journeys to Jerusalem to sacred places.

27- The ( crusades ) are journeys made by Europeans leaders to save the sacred places in Jerusalem.

28- The ( Ballista, Catapult, Mangonel, and Battering ram ) are types of )medieval weapons ).

29- Architecture is about ( evolution ) not ( revolution ).

30- The Anglo – Saxon buildings were made of ( wood ).

31- The underlying ethos of medieval architecture was ( fitness ) for (purpose).
32- At feast the most common entertainment were the ( harp ), and ( joggling balls ) and
( knives ) .

33- The Vikings came mainly from Denmark and (Norway) .

34- The Vikings demonstrated their (wealth) and (status) by wearing (beautiful)
( jewellery) or by having ( expensively ornamented weapons ).

35- The ( wealth ) of Anglo-Saxon England was probably one of the main causes of the Viking expansion.

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