What  reasons

1-Some foreign coins came to the British Isles.
- Some foreign coins came to the British isles because the contacts with western Europe and the Islamic world to the east.

2-It was possible to have a precise system of
- trade and exchange even without a regular coinage.

- Traders carried small scales which could measure weight very accurately, so it was possible to have a very precise system oftrade …….

3-Both in England and on the Continent,
- native rulers regularly paid the Viking raiders.
- The idea of 'Dane geld' is policy of paying off the Vikings rather than fighting them 'Making peace' was a polite expression for
'paying them to go away'

The reasons for adopting
the Viking adopted coinage for three different reasons.first, for political reason they wanted their king to be remembered forever in coins.second, for cultural reason to feal that they are just like the more civilized people they had invaded.
Finaly, for economic reason, coinge is a system which were valued for their weight and purity,and we had the Bullion  Economy the basics system which was known at this time.

5-The Vikings took their families with them when they moved from Scandinavia.
the Vikings weren't just raiders.but farmers,traders and settlers.

6-The Viking women were not dressed alike.
We had three main social classes in the anglo saxon age .the women of the slave –class wears old fashioned clothes.the women of the yeoman class wears a cap and a blouse, has a brooches at her shoulders and is busy with her spindle. The aristocraitic  women wears a blouse of smooth linen, a tall headdress and jewellerey.

7-The Scandinavian breakfast was discouraging.

- The farmer ate some of yesterday 's left over stew which looks rather scary. The farmer breaks off a hunk of bread, which was baked last week, to dip into the stew.

8- The Viking pagan graves are particularly useful to archaeologists.
- Pagan graves are  useful because the bodies were fully dressed and accompanied by personal belongings, some of which indicate important activities of the living and provide archaeological evidence for early settlement in England and Scotland. And for female settlers.

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