تعبير انجليزي عن حضارة الامارات
تعبير انجليزي عن حضارة الامارات
موضوع عن الامارات بالانجليزي قصير
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ثقافة الامارات بالانجليزي
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 ... تقرير عن الامارات قديما وحديثا بالانجليزي
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 تقرير عن الامارات قديما وحديثا بالانجليزي
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ثقافة الامارات بالانجليزي
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The United Arab Emirates was formed on 2 December 1971 and rapidly became a world economic center1. Despite its rapid development, the country has retained its heritage and culture, which is characterized by its great diversity. Indeed, in the USA, it is the different cultures and nationalities that form the identity of the country1
The bucket. have a very diverse culture, enriched by the arrival of immigrant populations, first coming from Iran in the early 20th century and then from India and Pakistan in the 1960s. Despite the diversity of the population, there has been little ethnic tensions between different population groups.
UAE culture is based on the principles of Islam and traditional Arab and Bedouin culture. Arab influence is present in the architecture, music, cooking and way of life of the Emmirians. Muslims are invited to pray five times a day by the muezzin, who calls them from the top of the minaret in the mosques. The weekend begins on Friday, holy day for Muslims.
The bucket. have adopted the cooking of its neighboring countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Oman. Meat, fish and rice are the basis of UAE cuisine. The meat is usually roasted. Emmirians use a lot of spices in their kitchen, including coriander, cardamom, saffron and turmeric.
During the month of Ramadan, one consumes the Harees, dish made up of minced meat, wheat and water. The most common desserts are al halwa, al Kul Wiskut and al Jibeet, which are very high in sugar. The dates are also consumed regularly by the Emmirians, either when breaking the fast of the month of Ramadan, or in dessert accompanied by tea or coffee.

Due to the diversity of UAE culture, we can now find all kinds of foreign cuisines. Indian cuisine is particularly widespread and of good quality

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