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ترجمة كلمة دبابة بالانجليزي

The tank combat tank is a mobile weapon system consisting of a barrel mounted on an armored car and tracked vehicle.
Military Vehicle Manufacturers
The price of a new battle tank is very variable, it depends on its sophistication and the number of copies to produce. Indeed, in this environment the development costs are exorbitant, each builder seeks to export its model to dampen it. In the years 2010, few nations can design and build a modern tank with full autonomy, several others produce under license or make their own models based on elements from other vehicles.
In France, the unit price of the Leclerc tank, produced by Nexter (formerly Giat Industries), was valued at $ 8.6 million2. In the United States, an M1 Abrams tank, built by General Motors and Chrysler, would cost $ 5.3 million2 and a Russian T-90 would be estimated at about $ 3 million.
Conception [edit | change the code]
The three traditional factors determining the effectiveness of a tank are its firepower, its protection and its mobility:
• Firepower is the ability of a tank to identify, take down, and destroy a target.
• Protection is the ability of the tank to resist detection, neutralization or destruction by enemy fire.
• Mobility includes tactical mobility on all battlefield terrain, but also strategic mobility, ie ability to be transported (by road, train, sea or even airplane) to the battlefield.
The design of a tank is therefore traditionally the result of a compromise between these three factors. For example, by reinforcing the shielding, the protection but also the weight is increased and the maneuverability is thus reduced. A higher firepower, achieved by using a larger gun, reduces maneuverability and protection.
The psychological effect on soldiers (negative effect for enemies, positive for allies) of the imposing presence of a tank on a battlefield is also an important factor.
On the battlefield, the tank crew must be able to quickly identify, engage and destroy many types of targets while maintaining optimal mobility. For this purpose, it is equipped with very sophisticated detection and control tools. A large main cannon capable of firing explosive or piercing ammunition, and machine gun (s) against infantry, light vehicles or helicopters.
The main weapon of any modern battle tank is a large gun. Apart from a few pieces of artillery, the tank guns are the largest gauges used on earth. Moreover, the caliber of tanks, always more and more sophisticated, has evolved much since the Second World War. The caliber commonly used is 120 mm for Western tanks and 125 mm for Russian and Chinese. The tanks are capable of firing a wide variety of ammunition, but the ones commonly used are kinetic energy ammunition and highly explosive ammunition. Today only British and Indian tanks use striped cannons, the smooth cannons being the dominant type.

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