تعبير انجليزي عن خسوف الشمس
ما معنى خسوف القمر بالانجليزي
lunar eclipse
الخسوف و الكوسوف
solar eclipse
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كسوف الشمس / خسوف القمر
تعريف الكسوف و الخسوف
solar eclipse
solar eclipse 2017
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solar eclipse in egypt
total solar eclipse
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ما معنى خسوف القمر بالانجليزي
معنى خسوف بالانجليزى
lunar eclipse
solar eclipse 2017
lunar eclipse 2017
تعريف الخسوف
الفرق بين الخسوف و الكوسوف
الخسوف و الكوسوف ويكيبيديا
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لفرق بين الخسوف و الكوسوف
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الخسوف و الكوسوف
كيف يحدث الخسوف
ما معنى خسوف القمر
ظاهرة الخسوف
تعريف الخسوف و الكوسوف ملخص
سبب خسوف القمر
الكون الفضاء

الانتقال إلى لماذا لا يحدث الخسوف والكسوف
                        ظاهرة الكسوف والخسوف  

A lunar eclipse is an eclipse occurring whenever the Moon is in the shadow of the Earth. From a lunar point of view, it is an occultation of the Sun by the Earth. This occurs only when the Moon is illuminated, and when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned or close to being. The type and size of a lunar eclipse depends on the relative position of the Moon in relation to its orbital nodes.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the shadow of the Earth is projected onto the Moon. Two conditions are required for this to happen. First, the Moon must be full, that is to say, in relation to the Sun, it must be just behind the Earth. However, since the orbital plane of the Moon is inclined by 5 ° to the Earth's orbital plane (the ecliptic), most full moons occur when the Moon is north or south of the shadow of the Earth. Earth. Then a second condition for a lunar eclipse to happen is that the Moon must be near one of the two points of intersection that its orbit makes with the ecliptic. These two nodal points are called lunar ascending nodes and
lunar descending node.

Every year there are at least one or two lunar eclipses.
The earth's shadow can be broken down into two distinct parts: the shadow and the half-light. In the shade, there is no direct solar radiation. However, because of the size of the Sun's angular diameter, the solar illumination is partially stopped in the outer part of the terrestrial shadow known as the penumbra.

A solar eclipse (or, more precisely, a solar occultation) occurs when the Moon is placed before the Sun, completely or partially obscuring the Sun's image from Earth. This configuration can occur only during the new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction with the Earth.
In remote epochs, but also in certain present-day cultures, mystical properties are attributed to solar eclipses. Solar eclipses can be frightening for people unaware of the relatively innocuous nature of this astronomical phenomenon. Indeed, the Sun disappears suddenly during the day and the sky becomes obscured in a few minutes.
Total solar eclipses at a given location on Earth are very rare and short-lived events (no more than 8 minutes1). Whatever the place on Earth, the whole is observed only on a narrow band that corresponds to the passage of the shadow cast by the Moon on the earth's surface. A total solar eclipse is a spectacular natural phenomenon and many people are considering traveling to attend this type of event; they are the "eclipse hunters".

The total eclipse of 1999 in Europe was considered, at the time it took place, as the eclipse that had the most observers of human history, which made it possible to increase public information on this curiosity .

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