موضوع انجليزي عن حيوان الخنزير لحم خنزير بالانجليزي بري باللغة الانجليزية موضوع تعبير انشاء برجراف تقرير فقرة قصير سهل موضوع حيوان اليف يربى في المرزعة محرم في الاسلام 
اسماء الخنزير المصري مشتقات اللغة العربية ما اسم ذكر الخنزير اضرار لحم الخنزير جنزير  ترجمة و معنى الخنزير بالإنجليزي معلومات عن برزنتيشن أصاب الخنازير بالأمراض والطفيليات مثل الدودة الشريطية   معنى pork ما اسم ذكر الخنزير
الخنزير Pig-Swine ، هو حيوان من الثدييات آكلات اللحوم والنباتات، لحم الخنزير واضراره والغيرة سبب تحريم اكل لحم الخنزير فوائد لحم  خنزير أليف اضرار لحم الخنزير علميا خنزير بري قزم أليف ويسمى ايضا الحلوف  

Physical description
The pig, also called pig, is a mammal of the porcine family, or suidae. It measures between 90 cm and 1.80 m long and 120 kg on average in adulthood. Its color varies according to its race. That's how you can have pink, black, white pigs, etc.
His place of life
The domestic pig is raised on all continents. It is particularly appreciated for its flesh which is one of the most consumed in the world, its bristles with which are made brushes and brushes, and its skin which provides leather used in the manufacture of clothes, shoes, etc.
His diet
The pig is an omnivore, so it can feed on foods of plant origin (cereals, roots, tubers, berries, etc.) as well as animals (earthworms,
snails, carcasses, etc.).
His reproduction
The boar (breeding male) and the sow (female) are able to reproduce at the age of 6 months. At the end of a gestation of 115 days on average, she gives birth to a dozen piglets. When they are weaned, they will be called nourrains. The female who has not yet had a piglet is called a pig.
His life expectancy
The pig can live twenty years.
The cry of the pig
The pigs utter many cries, squeaks and grunts to communicate with his fellow creatures. But when he is in distress, he utters a loud and unpleasant cry.
Particular signs

The pig likes to wallow in the mud. Scientists have looked into the matter and concluded that the pig is doing this to cool off. Indeed, it is an animal that does not sweat and it bathes with mud to regulate its temperature when it is hot and protect from the sun. These mud baths are also useful for scratching parasites such as ticks and lice. One of the reasons could also be the desire to spread its smell around the places where it wallows, probably to mark its territory.

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