حكم اقوال الصداقة الانجليزية العربية
حكم بالانجليزي عن التفاؤل
حكم بالانجليزي عن النجاح
حكم بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي قصيرة
حكمة بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي
حكم انجليزية مضحكة
اقوال بالانجليزي لشكسبير
عبارات بالانجليزي عن الابتسامه
عبارات بالانجليزي عن النجاح
عبارات انجليزية رائعة عن الصداقة
عبارات جميلة باللغة الانجليزية
عبارات عن الصداقة بالانجليزي
عبارات عن الصداقة بالانجليزي مع الترجمة
جمل بـ الأنجليزي عن الصداقه
كلمات انجليزية مترجمة عن الصداقة
بارات الصداقة الانجليزية
عبارات عن الصداقة بالانجليزي مع الترجمة
عبارات انجليزية مترجمة قصيره
احلى كلام عن الصداقة بالانجليزي
عبارات انجليزية عن التفاؤل
موضوع عن الصداقة بالانجليزي مترجم بالعربي قصير
عبارات عن الصداقة بالانجليزي ومعناها بالعربي
كلمات حب للاصدقاء بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الصداقة بالانجليزي سهل
If you live up
to a hundred years,
I want to live a
hundred years less a day
for not having
to live without you,
ادا عشت مئة سنة
ساعيش مئة سنة
الا يوم
لكي لا اعرف معنى
الحياة بدونك
True friendship
is like health
...... you only
know its true value when you have lost it
الصداقة الحقيقية
لا تعرف قيمتها
الحقيقية الا ادا فقدتها
.A real friend
it's the one who
supports you while everyone else lets you down
صديق حقيقي
هو الدي يسندك
ادا تركك الاخرون تسقط
If all my
friends were jumping off a bridge
... I would not
jump with them
I would be in
..... to catch up
ادا سقط كل اصدقائي
من جسر مرتفع
لن اتبعهم واسقط
سابقى فوق لاحاول
ان امسك بهم
Friendship is
one mind in two hearts
الصداقة هي الميول
الوحيد بين قلبين
a friend is the
one who knows the song that is in your heart
and who can sing
it to you when you have forgotten the lyrics
صديق هو الديية
يعرف الاغنية التي بقلبك
ويحاول ان يغنيها
لك ادا انت نسيت كلماتها
1-إقرار الحرب هي
الرضا بالموت
War is the
acceptance of death
2-التابع يلحق الأصل
The accessory
follows the main
3-صلح مجحف خير من
محاكمة منصفة
accommodation is better than a good trial
4-يطلب ابنه و هو
على كتفهه
He is looking
for his donkey and he is above
5-الجريمة تتبع الثأر
The crime calls
6-الربيع يقبل بعد
Spring comes
after winter
7-لا مدخل بين العصا
و لحائها
Between the tree
and the bark, do not put your finger
8-لا تضع المحراث
أمام الثورين
Do not put the
cart before the horse
9-فكر أولا ثم تكلم
think before you
speak after
10-الكحولية تحط من
أمر الإنسان
degrades man
11-اضرب الحديد مادام
Beat the iron
while it's hot
12-كما تدين تدان
At good game,
good come back
13-يعد بالكثير و
لا يعجل القليل
Promise more
butter than bread
14-كما تزرع تحصد
Good fields sown
good wheat yields
15-من يزرع الرياح
يحصد العاصفة
Who sows the
wind reaps the whirlwind
16-من يسرق القليل
يسرق الكثير
Who steals an
egg will steal an ox
17-من شب على شيء
شاب عليه
Who drank will
drink who played will play
18-في الحساب المضبوط
يحفظ الأصدقاء
Good accounts
make good friends
19-ما كل ما يعلم
Any truth is not
good to say
20-السمعة الطيبة
أفضل من الغنى
Good fame is
better than golden belt
21-لكل مقام مقال
To each saint
his candle
22-لكل صباح صبوح
Each day has
enough trouble of its
23- مصائب قوم عند
قوم فوائد
What hurts one
duit the other
24- وعد الحر دين عليه
Promised thing,
thing due
25- القناعة كنز لا
Happiness is
better than wealth
26- الإسكاف حاف
Shoemakers are
the worst shoes
27- رأس الحكمة مخافة
The fear of God
is the beginning of wisdom
28- فرق تسد
Divide and rule
29- ما زاد عن حده
إنقلب إلى ضده
Excess in all
30- إسأل مجرب و لا
تسأل طبيب
31- العجلة من الشيطان
"فى العجلة الندامة وفى التأنى السلامة"
Make haste
32- ليس بالخبز وحده
يحيا الإنسان
Man does not
live by bread alone
33- الإنسان فى التفكير
والله فى التدبير
Man proposes and
God disposes
34- لا تنه عن خلق
وتأتى بمثله
It is necessary
to preach of example
35- إن غدا لناظره
It will be day
36- سلامة الإنسان
فى حفظ اللسان
In close mouth
never fly entered
37- خير الكلام ما
قل ودل
The best
speeches are the shortest
38- لكل جواد كبوة
He is so good
horse who does not flinch
39- لا دخان بلا نار
There's no smoke
without fire
40- صيت الغنى ولا
صيت الفقر
It's worth it to
pity me
41- الكمال لله
Nobody is
42- الضرورات تبيح
Necessity does
not have law
43- للضرورة أحكام
Necessity made
44- الصديق وقت الضيق
We know the true
friend in need
45- المعدة بيت الداء
والحمية رأس الدواء
You dig your
grave with your teeth
friendship is
the warmth of the heart against
bad weather of
friendship ends
up in love but love rarely ends up in friendship
true friendship
is like health you only know the value when you lose it
For me it is
delighting the world the sun to take away from life the friendship
Love is not
necessarily a reciprocal feeling. Friendship, on the contrary, it seems to me,
always requires reciprocity
I know better to
make friendship than love
If friendship is
not to share all delusions, then what is it, one wonders?
My goal is
friendship with the whole world. I can unite the greatest love to the strongest
opposition to evil.
What good is
love or friendship if nobody says it, if nobody knows it?
If we want to
build a lasting friendship, we must love our friends for them and not for
Do we fall into
friendship as we fall in love?
I have always
felt that the great privilege of friendship is to have nothing to explain.
Do not rejoice
if the friendship allows you to say unpleasant words to your close friends.
The closer you
get to someone, the more tact and courtesy are needed.
The sorrows
experienced by our friends affect us more than those we experience.
The mind forgets
all suffering when sorrow has companions and friendship consoles it.
One can not go
far in friendship, if one is not willing to forgive each other the little
Friendship: it
is accepting in others what we do not tolerate at home.
There can be
real friendship only between those who first believe in the same values.
Denial of carnal
contact, friendship is a feeling more noble and more detached than love.
Stay alone, or,
if you choose friendship, accept the friend as he is ..
There is nothing
more true that friendship warms up when one is in the same interests.
What makes
friendships indissoluble and doubles their charm, is a feeling that lacks in
love, certainty.
True friendship
knows how to be lucid when it is necessary, blind when it must.
The greatest
effort of friendship is not to show our faults to a friend, it is to make him
see his own.
The happiness of
a friend enchants us. He adds us. He does not take anything away. If friendship
offends, it is not.
It is friendship
as well as purity; the slightest wilt suffices to disturb its transparency.
The big
difference between love and friendship is that there can be no friendship
without reciprocity.
To hold
constantly for an enemy that can not be counted as a friend,
and count as a
friend only one who has an interest in being one.
A friend, just a
friend, is as precious as a life.
Any friend whom
an enemy praises us is never the friend we need.
Nothing beats
the encouragement of a friend.
A friend is the
one who opens you if you hit, who gives you if you ask,
without keeping
the accounts of his gifts.
Is the friend
the one who can be disturbed? Yes, especially if it can be useful.
If you must
reproach your friend, let it be secret between you;
but his praises,
that everyone hears you doing them.
If one day one
of your friends says to you: "Do you want me to speak to you
Answer him:
"No! No! No! Keep talking to me as before."
At the request
of a friend, we do not answer "later".
You must know
your friend's customs and not hate them.
We only have one
friend. friendship is more immutable than love because it demands nothing in
We all have a
gift, if only to be a friend we can count on.
A friend is the
one who gives you complete freedom to be yourself.
It is not worth
living if you do not have a good friend.
Your friend is
not the one who helps you when you are in trouble, it is the one who avoids you
to have one.
The friend must
be a master in the art of guessing and in the art of keeping quiet
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