موضوع انجليزي عن الديانات السماوية
heavenly religions
الاديان العقائد  السماوية  الديانات السماوية الاربعة موضوع تعبير عن الاديان السماوية بالعناصر
الديانات السماوية بالترتيب اسم وديان بالانجليزي
الديانة المسيحية بالانجليزي الديانه الكرستانيه الديانه المسيحيه مسيحي بالانجليزي معلومات عن الدين المسيحى الديانه المسيحيه ومذاهبها ديانة كريستيان في  معتقدات المسيحيين عن الاسلام موضوع انجليزي عن ديانات معنى كلمة ديانة باللغة الانجليزية الديانة المسيحية بالانجليزي الاديان السماوية بالانجليزي كلمة ديانه بالانجليزي ,الدين بالانجليزي مسلم بالانجليزي لفظ كلمة religion الديانات في العالم الديانات باللغة الانجليزية
names of Religions in English
قائمة الديانات والعقائد الديانات التوحيدية الابراهيمية

Abrahamic religions
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A religion is a set of beliefs, practices and rites common to a large number of human beings, which define the relationship of man to the sacred and his understanding of the world.
Some religions are centered on the belief in Gods or God, but there are also religions that do not have this notion.
There have been many religions on Earth, each with their particular characteristics and mythologies.
• Judaism is the oldest Abrahamic religion and Islam is the most recent.
• Christianity recognizes Moses, although different from Judaism.
• Islam recognizes Moses and Jesus, though differently from Judaism and Christianity.
• The Muslim, whenever pronouncing the name of his prophet, adds the expression Blessed be He.
• Between the Jew, the Christian and the Muslim, the Muslim considers himself the wisest because he believes to know the complete truth of God given to Mohammed (the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran).
• Moses would have lived in the thirteenth century (1300 to 1200) before Christ, 4 Jesus Christ, to -7 to 30, and Mohammed, from 570 to 632.
Characters of the three religions
The great characters of the three religions are, in chronological order:
• Adam, the first man and father of humanity, driven out of the Garden of Eden by disobeying God
• Eve, the first woman and mother of humanity, created with a rib of Adam, driven out of the Garden of Eden by disobeying God
• Cain, son of Adam and Eve and murderer of his brother Abel
• Abel, son of Adam and Eve and victim of his brother Cain
• Seth, son of Adam and Eve, the third son of Eve whom God gave him to console her for the death of Abel
• Noah: the one who built The Ark
• Abraham: whoever was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac (for Muslims, his son Ishmael) at the request of God
• Ishmael: eldest son of Abraham and an Egyptian slave; ancestor of the Arab people
• Isaac: son of Abraham and his wife Sarah; ancestor of the Jewish people
• Esau: eldest son of Isaac and his wife Rebecca
• Jacob: son of Isaac and his wife Rebecca, who stole the blessing from his older brother
• Joseph: son of Jacob and his wife Rachel, who was sold by his brothers to a merchant and subsequently brought his people to Egypt
• Moses: the one who freed the Jews from slavery and brought his people out of Egypt through the Ten Wounds of Egypt, which diverted the waters of the Red Sea and received the Ten Commandments (the decalogue) of God; prophet of the Jews
• Currently, Judaism is mostly practiced in Israel, Christianity, Europe, Russia and all of America, and Islam, in North Africa and the Middle East.
• In Western Europe and South America, there is essentially Catholicism, in Eastern Europe, Protestantism, in Russia, Orthodoxy, and in England and the United States, the Anglicanism.
But we must not forget that there are people of foreign origin in all countries and that people from one country may believe in another religion than the majority religion!
• The state of Israel is a fairly recent state (1948), but the country has long been claimed (already 1,000 years before Christ): it is the promised land, the land of Israel.
The branches of Christianity
• The Catholic believes in the Holy Trinity.
• The pope, supreme leader of Catholics, currently lives in Rome or more precisely in the Vatican, Italy. During the Middle Ages, from 1309 to 1378, the recognized popes resided in Avignon, a city in the south of France. From 1378 to 1418, during the Great Western Schism, there were at least two popes: the Pope of Rome, recognized, and that of Avignon. The first pope was Peter, an apostle of Jesus!
• The Protestant refutes the Holy Trinity: for him, for example, Jesus is "only" the son of God. He also rejects the saints, including the Virgin Mary. The Protestant does not venerate the Pope either.
• Protestantism is a reform of Catholicism initiated by the German Martin Luther (not to be confused with African-American Martin Luther King!), Hence Lutheranism, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and which is taken up by the French Jean Calvin, whence Calvinism.
• During the modern times, in France, Protestants (Huguenots) were persecuted by Catholics. The massacre of St. Bartholomew (massacre of Protestants) took place in 1572. All kings of France were Catholics, except Henry IV, the first Bourbon who was born Protestant, but converted to Catholicism to put an end to wars of religion. Under the reign of Louis XIV, Protestants were persecuted and their religion was banned, and many Protestants fled to Germany and the United Provinces.
• Anglicanism was also born in the sixteenth century: King Henry VIII of England, in order to divorce and remarry, rejected the authority of the Pope of Rome. Thus, like the Protestants, the Anglicans do not worship the pope. It is also one of the reasons for the war between the Northern Irish (mostly Anglicans) and the Irish of the South (mostly Catholic).
Regular diet
• A Muslim does not eat pork or rare meat (he eats only halal meat) and does not drink alcohol.

• A Jew does not eat rare meat (he only eats kosher meat) and considers the meat of certain animals such as camels, horses, donkeys, pork and rabbits impure, but can still eat them. Beef, veal, mutton, lamb and goat are noble meats according to Judaism.

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