بحث عن حيوان الايل بالانجليزي

الأيِّل هو الحيوان الوحيد الذي له عظام على رأسه تسمى القرون المتساقطة. القطيع
 الغزال بحث عن حيوان الايل بالانجليزي حيوان ايل التصنيفات الأقل حيوان يشبه الغزال وله قرون كبيرة ماهو الحيوان الذي يشبه الغزال حيوان له قرون طويلة أيل أحمر أيل التصنيفات الأقل اسماء حيوانات لها قرون موظ الايل حيوان ايل التصنيفات الأقل حيوان يشبه الغزال وله قرون كبيرة أيل أسمر أوروبي ايل في القران حيوان له قرون طويلة يسمّى الذكر بالظبي بينما تسمى الأنثى شاة معلومات عليك معرفتها حول حيوان الأيل معلومات هامة حول حيوان الأيل حيوان الأيل النابح ، وهو أحد فصائل الغزلان 


Physical description
The deer is an animal of the deer family. It is a mammal quite large, measuring between 1.5 and 2.6 meters long, for 80 to 180 kg of weight, depending on its environment. Its legs are long and tapered, ended by 4 fingers. The coloration of the coat varies according to the seasons, the age and the sex. Until the age of 6 months, the coat is pale brown with white spots. In summer it turns brownish-red and turns gray-brown in winter. On the rump of both sexes, we note the presence of a light yellow spot.

From the age of 9 months, the woods begin to grow on the males' heads and are visible at 1 year. These woods are about 70 cm long and weigh on average 1 kg. They vary in shape according to the age and health of the animal. Every year, at the end of winter or early spring, these woods fall, to repel during the summer.

His place of life
The deer occupies the large temperate forests of Europe, North Africa, North America and Asia.

His diet
The deer is herbivorous and ruminant. Its menu varies according to the seasons and the available plants. An adult consumes an average of 10 to 15 kg of fresh vegetables per day.
In spring and summer, it feeds on herbs, flowers, fruits and young shoots. In autumn, it is the acorns, chestnuts and mushrooms that feed it. In winter, it is content with the leaves of bramble, raspberry or ivy. It also feeds on bark that it tears on the trees.

His reproduction
The deer is sexually mature between 1 or 2 years old. The doe's gestation lasts 8 months and she gives birth to only one small calf, called a fawn, who is able to walk a few hours after birth. He will be fed milk for 6 to 10 months before being weaned. It will be called fawn until the age of 6 months, to then take the name of bichette if it is a female and here if it is a male. Between 1 and 2 years old, the young male is called daguet.

His life expectancy
The deer can live up to 15 or even 20 years.

The cry of the deer
The cry of the deer is called the slab. It is heard to grow this cry mainly during the breeding season.

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