موضوع تعبير عن هواية الرسم بالانجليزي هوايتي  المفضلة الرسوم برجراف عن الفن بالانجليزي. عن الرسم والفن. رسمه بالانجليزية  برجراف عن my favourite hobby. هوايات بالانجليزي مترجمه الهوايات. هوايتي الرسم بالانجليزي. تعبير عن  هوايتي المفضلة هي لرسم.  موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن هوايتك المفضلة وأهمية الهوايات My Hobby, سوف يفيدك هذا الموضوع في التحدث والكتابة عن هوايتك المفضلة وأهمية الهوايات My Hobby ... موضوع تعبير عن هوايتي المفضلة،
موضوع تعبير عن مهنة الرسام بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن هواية الرسم موضوع عن الرسم قصير

هواية الرسم و فوائدها موضوع تعبير عن الرسم للصف الخامس الابتدائى أهمية الرسم الرياضة والكتابة والسباحة وغيرها تعبير عن الاشياء المفضلة بالانجليزي

"Why do you like to draw? When I was asked the question, I did not know how to answer. It's weird because that's what I do all day (not that I once, one day, drawn on the tables, away from me this idea!)
So I tried to draw up a list; there she is :
Reason # 1: The sound of the pencil.
It may sound strange, but this slight whisper is divine ... it's a slight, serious screech that warms your heart ... (Do not judge me, everyone's pleasure!)
Reason # 2: Freedom
In this horrible world where parents can choose your clothes (what a horror! Imagine? It's a shame! ...), drawing is like writing, a way to express myself freely. Indeed, I, on my sheet, I am the master. If I want to draw a two-meter college girl who has pink hair and rainbow eyes, no problem, it's me who decides!
Reason n ° 3: To be able to concretize what I imagine
Being at this age where I am supposed to have imagination, the drawing allows me to concretize my thoughts and make real the characters that I imagine (you saw how it thinks in there!)
There are surely other reasons, but they are so complex that it would be difficult to explain them to you (even I do not always understand them!). In any case, drawing is a pleasure that we must not deprive ourselves! And I hope I have made you want to go!
But I still have to warn you of two obstacles that could get in your way:
Obstacle # 1: the white sheet failure
If you draw all the time (like me using one leaf a minute, shame on me and sorry for the trees), you know what the leaf failure is. You are in front of your sheet when the anxiety of the blank page invades you: zero idea, nada, emptiness; and then suddenly, while the idea of ​​the century finally germinates in your mind, no way to draw it. That's really frustrating!
Obstacle 2: The depletion of pencil stocks
The problem, when you always have a pencil in your hands, is that you make it fall. And when it falls, its mine breaks inside, so that when you cut it, you have the unpleasant surprise to see that the pencil is ruined!
Nothing, however, insurmountable for a designer who will always find a solution. For example, I always manage to get by (luckily!):

For example, in case # 1, I draw on everything that happens: my controls last quarter (shame on me again!), My hand (it's convenient because always nearby) or, more improbably, my posters (so it's useless to ask why my home Selena Gomez has a beard!). And in case # 2, nothing easier, I just take anything that can leave a trace on a sheet and that's it.

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