موضوع عن الحرباء بالانجليزي معنى حرباء بالانجليزي معنى كلمة سحلية بالانجليزي
ترجمة حرباء بالانجليزي معلومات عن الحرباء حرباء تغير لونها هل الحرباء تؤذي الانسان حرباية بالانجليزي انواع الحرباء ترجمة و معنى حرباء بالإنجليزي وصف ماذا تاكل كيف تعيش 
تصطاد الحرباء غذائها من الحشرات الكلمة الإنجليزية chameleon تلون الحرباء

 Cameleon الحرباء الشائعة

Physical description
The chameleon is an animal of the saurian family. Depending on the species, its size varies from 3 to 70 cm long, including the tail. Some species have small horns, crests or helmets on their heads.
The chameleon has the distinction of having eyes whose movements are independent and can move in all directions (up, down, forwards, backwards). He has a long sticky tongue at the end that allows him to capture prey up to 30 cm in front of him. It also has a long tail that can wrap itself on itself which allows it to hang on to the trees better.
His place of life
Chameleons are found in Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and southern Europe. Of about 200 species of chameleons in the world, more than a third live in Madagascar! In southern Europe, however, there is only one species, called common chameleon.
They live mainly in forest areas, there are only a few rare species that live in the desert.
His diet
Most chameleons feed on insects (grasshoppers, locusts, spiders, etc.). But larger species feed on small birds and lizards.
His reproduction
Chameleons breed one or more times per season. In most cases, the female lays eggs from which the baby chameleons will emerge about 100 days later. But in some cases, the female gives birth to pups wrapped in translucent membranes.
His life expectancy
Whether in freedom or in captivity, the chameleon does not usually live more than 4 years.
Particular signs
Some species of chameleons have the ability to quickly change color. This color change has two main goals. The first is to make known their mood. For example, males may be red in combat, while females may be green when available for mating. Chameleons also change color to camouflage themselves in order to hide from their predators or their prey.

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