مصطلحات الدفاع المدني بالانجليزي موضوع المطافي باللغة الانجليزية الاطفاء مهنة وظيفة رجل الاطفاء المطافئ معنى الدفاع المدني  اسم مدني انجليزي البلدية قصير سهل بسيط واهميته كلمة عن الدفاع المدني للاذاعة مترجمة , مقدمة عن ... مقدمة وخاتمة تعبير اليوم العالمي تقرير تاريخ مميزات وظائف
جاهز  قوات فرق غير عسكرية تهتم بإعداد المدنيين للدفاع عن الوطن بالتعاون مع القوات المسلحة
تقديم الإغاثة للمتضررين في حالات الطوارئ.  المتطوعين تنظيم قواعد ووسائل السلامة والأمن الصناعي مكافحة الحرائق وإطفائها وأعمال الإنقاذ والإسعاف. المخابئ وقاية السكان العتاد والوسائل اللازمة والكوارث. السلامة الكوارث الإعانات خطط الإخلاء والإيواء في حالات الطوارئ.
الإنذار من الأخطار والغارات الجوية. الوقاية إخلاء الناس من مكان الخطر إلى مكان آمن.
الحماية المدنية. ملجأ. خدمات. مركز عمليات الطوارئ.

Civil Security and Relief
Carries out the interventions of relief, assistance to people and the fight against perils, disasters, natural risks, technological, ... threatening the public safety, the goods and the patrimonies according to the rules of safety and the imperatives of urgency and priority.
Can realize risk prevention.
Can coordinate a team.
Condition of exercise of the activity
The activity of this job / profession is exercised within fire and rescue services, in companies and armies, in contact with various stakeholders (UAS, police, gendarmerie, ...). It can involve moving and moving away from home for days or months.
It varies according to the place and the type of intervention.
It can be exercised on weekends, holidays, at night and be subject to periodic penalty payments.
It can be carried out at great height and involve the carrying of loads.
Wearing professional clothing (fire, helmet, breathing apparatus, uniform, ...) is required.
Working environment
• Administration / State Services
• Army
• Airport
• Association
•       Business
• Fire and rescue service
• Company operating the ski lifts
Activities and basic skills
• Provide first level maintenance
• Maintain a tool or material
• Check equipment or material
• Identify an area of ​​accident, disaster and requested interventions
• Evaluate the situation, the risks and determine the actions of assistance and rescue to people or fight against the claims
• Assist and help people or receive help
• Perform disaster response interventions (fires, collapses, floods, ...) and dangerous, corrosive, toxic products
• Implement and control accident prevention, securing and protection of zones by marking, signaling, protection, etc.
• Inform hierarchical, law enforcement, doctors, ... about interventions, risks and developments in the situation
• Electromechanical
• Supply chain organization
• Fire safety regulations
• Fire fighting techniques
• Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE)
• Avalanche Prevention Techniques
• Pneumatic
• Use of resuscitation apparatus
• Use of care equipment
• Use of machinery and fire equipment
• Plan reading, schema
• Techniques of protection and prevention of pollution
• Civil engineering
• Use of protective and safety equipment
Specific activities and skills
• Carry out interventions requiring a rescue and firefighting authorization -SSLIA-
• Perform an intervention requiring an empowerment
• Intervene in an air and airport environment
• Intervene in a maritime and port environment
• Intervening in an industrial environment
• Intervene in a road and highway environment
• Intervene in a natural area
• Intervene in a mountain environment
• Intervening in a nuclear, radiological, bacteriological and chemical environment - NRBC
• Receive, identify phone calls, alarms, ... and trigger rescue and assistance interventions
• Lead a dog on a protection or research action
• Carry out a demining operation
• Control the administrative and regulatory compliance of a public place
• Raise public awareness of preventive, safety and first aid actions and techniques

Train an audience
• Coordinate the activity of a team
• Perform avalanche triggering
• Perform operations in areas of difficult access, underground, at very high altitude
• Carry out search operations for missing persons
• Fire Safety and Personal Assistance Service (SSIAP1)
• Fire Safety and Personal Assistance Service (SSIAP2)
• Level 1 Civic Prevention and Rescue Empowerment (PSC1)
• First Aid Level 1 (PSE1) Empowerment
• Certificate of Training in First Aid Activities as a Team (CFAPSE)
• First Aid Training Certificate (CFAPSR)
• National Certificate of First Degree Emergency Tracker (BNPS)
• National Certificate of Second Degree Rescue Tracker (BNPS)
• National Certificate of First Degree Rescue Investigator (BNPS)
• National Safety and Rescue Certificate (BNSSA)
• Electrical power off work
• Decontamination procedures
• Science of snow
• Mountaineering techniques
• Baking techniques
• Natural risks
• Practical mountain skiing
• Dog techniques
• Explosive detection and neutralization
• Firing trigger, explosion
• Pyrotechnic regulations
• Rescue First Aid at Work (SST)
• Teaching techniques
• Use of rescue and rescue equipment
Jobs close
ROME files close
• Technical intervention in Hygiene Safety Environment -HSE- industrial
• Intervention underwater
• Intervention in harmful media and products
• Driving of medical vehicles
• Defense Staff
•       Public security
• Private Security and Surveillance Agent / Fire Safety Officer
• Private Security and Surveillance Agent / Fire Safety Service Agent
Possible jobs if evolution
Possible ROME files
• Education in sports activities
• Management and engineering Hygiene Safety Environment -HSE- industrial
• Directorate of Civil Security and Relief
• Professional Training Trainer / First Aid Trainer
• Private security management
Training that leads to this profession

Civil Protection Officer
Civil Protection ensures the protection of the population as well as the safeguarding of the national heritage, particularly in the event of armed conflict. It intervenes during calamities such as floods or earthquakes, disasters (chemical and nuclear accidents) and accidents (accidents). At the request of an authority (Minister of the Interior, Mayor or fire brigade), it can strengthen the emergency services with heavy and specialized means.
The tasks of the agent are varied: he is led to help people by pumping water from cellars during floods, cleaning polluted rivers or distributing water to motorists during long traffic jams. The agent also intervenes in large fires to strengthen services in the fight against fire or in the water supply. He can carry out logistical work such as the establishment of communication and equipment for crisis centers and command posts, the deployment of medical equipment, the administration of first aid, the search for missing persons, etc. The civil protection officer must be able to deal with a large number of sometimes very specific situations such as during floods, landslides or earthquakes.
Civil Protection Officer

Person who advises public authorities on the prevention of hazards and disasters that may occur in their territory. It develops contingency plans so that security services can respond quickly and effectively in situations where the lives, health or safety of large numbers of people are at risk (earthquake, forest fire, flood , ecological disaster, epidemic, civil war, etc.). It foresees what could happen: it determines the probability as well as the possible causes and consequences of various hypothetical emergencies and it designs, for each, the various intervention scenarios that could be implemented.

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