الاحتباس الحراري بالانجليزي موضوع قصير عن الاحتباس الحراري باللغة الانجليزية
اسباب باختصار مختصر تعبير  جمل  مترجم تغير المناخ الطقس تغير المناخ السعوديه
causes of climate change   تغير مناخ الارض مقدمة عن تغير المناخ
potential impacts of climate change
impact of climate change - أمثلة ...
paragraph about Weather
حلول لتغير المناخ توقع مستقبل المناخ بحث عن التغيرات المناخية  اثار  حل مشكلة  الجزيرة العربية جمل عن global warming اسباب الاحتباس الحراري باختصار  الاحترار العالمي  ارتفاع درجة حرارة كوكب الارض

During the heat wave of last summer, the man brazened and took into consideration more than before the changes that our climate was undergoing. All these qualitative changes in the normal parameters of the global climate, all its alarming signs, make people doubt the stability of our current climate, and more and more people are wondering what the consequences will be ...
So, we can ask ourselves what are these consequences really on the biosphere?
Our researchers remain perplexed about this evolution of the climate influenced by the man on the one hand, but also and especially by the course of the time. They can only see the present consequences of climate change on our planet, while expressing reservations about future consequences. (Nº1)
The causes
The climate changes we are starting to witness are due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. These effect gases have always existed in the atmosphere in a natural way, and the most common of these is water. But, for several decades, the most dangerous greenhouse gases (CO2, NH4, ...) have grown exponentially whose origin is far from natural.
Today, human activities are the main cause of this increase in the greenhouse effect: industries, transport, agriculture, buildings and energy production are the main causes. These are all parts of society whose operations need to be rethought.
Moreover, it is important to differentiate between the contribution to the increase of greenhouse gases of the industrialized countries since more than a century and the contribution of the countries currently in the process of development (nº2)

The results
Global warming has serious consequences for humans and the environment

-heating of emerged lands and high latitudes
-filling glaciers, decreasing or even disappearing in certain areas of the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic
- rising sea level causing flooding in coastal areas, due to the increase in water temperature, dilation of hot water making it larger than cold water
-perturbation or destruction of some ecosystems
extinction of species
-extension of the desert
-recrudescence of infectious diseases, which will extend to the North
-more intense heat waves
-Wetter rain more frequent and dense
-cyclones, typhoons and more intense hurricanes, with more severe winds and precipitation and floods, causing serious human and material damage
-low of the drinking water resource
mass emigration of peoples undergoing global warming

The outlook for temperature increases is between 1.8 ° C and 4 ° C by the end of the century, an increase that will not be uniformly distributed on the planet: at the North Pole, the average temperatures of the last ten years have increased 2 times faster than at the global level. (Nº3)

The climate of the planet will probably change quite significantly during this century, largely because of human activities. The repercussions of the current civilization will undoubtedly modify the situation of individuals, regions, countries, and even continents and this on different elements of the biosphere.

Moreover, the repercussions of these changes are already perceptible at the living level and the natural risks that are increasing. These climate changes will bring with them many negative effects that will become more visible as we move forward in time.

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