بحث انجليزي خشب السنديان البلوط
السنديان أو البلوط  beech pine wood
أسماء الاخشاب بالانجليزيه ترجمة و معنى السنديان بالإنجليزي ترجمة و معنى english oak
خشب السنديان بالانجليزي شجرة البلوط وفوائدها سنديان قوي بلوط أحمر فوائد البلوط للجنس
البلوط لتضييق خشب البلوط بالانجليزي خشب سويدي بالانجليزي اسماء الخشب باللغة العربية
اسماء الخشب الصناعي خشب السويد بالانجليزية قطعة خشب بالانجليزي خشب الارو (oak) خشب الموسكى
السنديان أو البلوط (الاسم العلمي: Quercus) وهي جنس تحت فصيلة الزانية، وهي من الأشجار الضخمةوالمعمرة قد تبلغ من العمر ما بين 500 - 2000 سنة.

الخشب الزان beech wood
الخشب الارو oak wood
الخشب البلوط ash wood
الخشب العزيزى pine wood
الخشب الموسكى beech pine wood
الخشب الموجنة او الماهوجنى mahogany wood
خشب التك teak wood

Oak is the vernacular name of many species of trees and shrubs belonging to the genus Quercus, and some related genera of the family Fagaceae, including Cyclobalanopsis and Lithocarpus.
This genus, which occurs throughout the northern hemisphere and ranges from cold latitudes to the tropical areas of Asia and the Americas, includes both deciduous and other species. evergreen.
Oaks are among the most genetically polymorphic forest species, which makes them highly adaptable19.
Use of wood
In Europe, the oak has been widely used, then cultivated, for its wood, cork, bark and acorns (which were formerly flour, but which were mainly used to feed pigs). Tadpoles are sometimes found in hedgerows or isolated oaks in a meadow or field.
Oaks are hardwood trees. The oak wood has a density of between 0.75 and 0.85 g / cm3. It is a very strong and very hard material. Its resistance to insects and fungi (natural durability) is very important because of its high tannin content. Large radial oak planks have been popular since the Middle Ages and are used for interior woodwork in prestigious buildings such as the House of Commons in England in London, and in the construction of fine carpentry. The wood of pedunculate oak and oak was used in Europe for shipbuilding until the 19th century and were the main wood species used in the construction of wooden frames of buildings in Europe. Today oak wood remains commonly used in carpentry, flooring, and plating production. Barrels in which red wines, sherry and other spirits such as cognac, scotch or bourbon are aged, are oak barrels. Barrels of oak contribute to the vanilla flavor of these drinks. Oak chips are used for smoking fish, meat, cheese and other food products.
Among the North American oaks, the American red oak Quercus rubra is the most popular for its wood within the Lobatae group. All species in this group are traded as "red oak". The standard wood of the Quercus Group oaks, all of which are marketed as "white oak", is the white oak Quercus alba. The oak and pedunculate oak wood Quercus petraea and Quercus robur, both deciduous, make up most of the oak production in Europe, but the evergreen species, such as the oak Quercus ilex, and the oak Cork Quercus suber also produce valuable wood.
• Quercus coccifera is parasitized by kermes, or cochineal, an insect whose dried, processed eggs were used to make a scarlet dye;
• Quercus pubescens is the best truffle oak, the truffle mycelium living in association with its roots.

اسماء بعض الاخشاب باللغة الانجليزية
خشب الورد rosewood
خشب البليسندر palisander wood
خشب الصندل sandalwood
خشب الكريز cherry wood
خشب الجوز walnut wood
خشب الابنوس ebony wood
خشب الحور او القيقب maple wood
خشب الابلاكاج plywood

الخشب الزان beech wood
الخشب الارو oak wood
الخشب البلوط ash wood
الخشب العزيزى pine wood
الخشب الموسكى beech pine wood
الخشب الموجنة او الماهوجنى mahogany wood

خشب التك teak wood

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