تعبير بحث انشاء وظيفة عمل موضوع عن مهنة الخباز بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الخباز بالانجليزي
تعبير عن مهنة الخباز ادوات مهنة الخباز
تعبير كتابي عن الخباز بالفرنسية
مهنة الخباز للاطفال
مهنة الخباز لرياض الاطفال
ادوات الخباز ادوات الخباز للاطفال تعبير انجليزي قصير عن المهن او الاعمال
لموضوع عن الـ job المهن
والأعمال مهنة
الخباز ادوات
مهنة الخباز مهنة الخباز للاطفال مهنة الخباز لرياض الاطفال
كلمات عن مهنة الخباز
موضوع عن مهنة الخباز بالانجليزي
ادوات الخباز مهنة الطاهي تعبير عن مهنة الطباخ من هو الطباخ مهام الطباخ تعبير عن مهنة الطباخ بالانجليزي
مهنة الشيف تخصصات الطباخ كلمات عن مهنة الطبخ مهنة الطبخ للاطفال وظيفة
The baker makes bread (baguette) and a range of special breads
(complete, with bran, rye ...) and pastries (croissant, brioche). He can also
prepare pastries or "caterers" such as quiches and pizzas.
Bread making requires many stages of preparation before the
finishing touches. In fact, gestures and breaks in breadmaking have always been
the same: kneading the dough, fermenting, shaping, baking, cooking and beating.
However, the activity of the baker has evolved with the
modernization of the bakery, especially as regards the conduct of the
fermentation and the cooking methods.
The product offering tends to diversify to meet the needs of
customers. The baker must take care of consumer trends and know how to organize
his work.
As for many of the food trades related to fresh produce, the work
of the baker is often done at night, weekends and holidays included. The two
consecutive days of rest during the week tend to become general.
The baker makes and sells all sorts of breads, but also pastry and
pastries. He proceeds to several successive batches according to the size and
importance of the store. Each batch lasts an average of 5 hours and includes
different operations. He prepares the dough: after a first fermentation, he
puts the dough in a divider which debits and shapes the dough pieces. Then
protected from moisture, they undergo a second fermentation. Depending on the
type of bread desired, it shapes dough pieces of different shapes and sizes. He
places them in the oven and monitors the cooking. He leaves the bread and lets
it rest for a while: it is the "bleeding", operation necessary for
the evaporation of moisture. Then the bread is transported to the store for
In what conditions ?
The baker, depending on the size of the business, practices his
trade alone or in a team in a bakery where he is exposed to heat. He is
standing all the time. He must observe strict hygiene rules for the manufacture
of products and the maintenance of equipment and premises. He starts his day
very early and also works on Sundays and holidays. He then has rest days in the
week. Thanks to the modernization of the equipment, the schedules are less
heavy. The baker is used in bakeries, industrial and hypermarkets. He must be
vigilant to the needs of increasingly demanding customers on the quality of the
products from which the bread they eat is made.
Its main qualities
The baker is skilled with his hands. He has taste, ideas, he is
creative. The baker enjoys working with natural raw materials. It is of course
very rigorous for the manufacture, and very respectful of the rules of hygiene.
The baker has a good physical resistance, he is able to adapt to particular
work schedules. He loves contact, and has a sense of service
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