تعبير عن الفوبيا بالانجليزي فوبيا المرتفعات بالانجليزي الخوف من المرتفعات بالانجليزي موضوع عن الخوف تعبير عن القلق بالانجليزي تعبير عن الخوف برزنتيشن عن الخوف بحث عن الفوبيا تعريف الفوبيا بحث باللغة الإنجليزية عن :Phobias
اسماء وأنواع الفوبيا في اللغة الانجليزية موضوع باللغة الانجليزية عن موضوع عن مرض الرهاب أو الفوبيا Phobia
"فوبيا الإنجليزية" انواع الفوبيا Phobia kinds فوبيا المرتفعات بالانجليزي برجراف عن فوبيا المرتفعات
فوبيا المرتفعات وعلاجها الخوف من المرتفعات  فوبيا الارتفاعات علاج فوبيا الاماكن المرتفعة
برجراف عن الفوبيا بالانجليزي فوبيا ركوب الطائرة كيف اتخلص من الخوف من المرتفعات
تعبير عن القلق بالانجليزي تعبير عن الخوف بالانجليزي موضوع عن القلق بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الفوبيا بالانجليزي موضوع عن الخوف برزنتيشن عن الخوف تعبير انجليزي عن خشية
الخوف من المرتفعات بالانجليزي برجراف عن فوبيا المرتفعات جمل بالانجليزي عن الاختبارات برزنتيشن عن الخوف

Phobia (or irrational fear)
The term "phobia" refers to a broad set of psychological disorders, such as agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia, etc. A phobia is characterized by the irrational fear of a particular situation, such as fear of taking the elevator, or a specific object, such as fear of spiders. But the phobia is beyond a simple fear: it is a real anxiety that seizes people who are confronted. The phobic person is fully aware of his fear. Therefore, she tries to avoid, by all means, the situation or the object feared.
In everyday life, suffering from a phobia can be more or less handicapping. If it is an ophidiophobia, that is to say a phobia snakes, the person will, for example, no difficulty in avoiding the animal in question.
Other phobias are difficult to circumvent on a daily basis, like the fear of the crowd or the fear of driving. In this case, the phobic person attempts, but often in vain, to overcome the anxiety that this situation gives him. The anxiety that accompanies the phobia can then evolve into a crisis of anxiety and quickly exhaust the phobic person, physically and psychologically. It tends to isolate itself little by little to stay away from these problematic situations. This avoidance can then have more or less significant repercussions on the professional and / or social life of people who suffer from phobia.
There are different types of phobias. In the classifications, we first find simple phobias and complex phobias, which mainly include agoraphobia and social phobia.
Simple phobias include:
• Animal-type phobias that correspond to fear induced by animals or insects;
• Phobias of the "natural environment" type which correspond to a fear provoked by natural elements such as thunderstorms, heights or water;
• Blood phobias, injections or wounds that correspond to fears related to medical procedures;
• Situational-type phobias that relate to situational-specific fears such as taking public transportation, tunnels, bridges, air travel, elevators, driving or enclosed areas.
According to some sources, in France 1 in 10 people suffer from phobia10. Women would be more affected (2 women for 1 man). Finally, some phobias are more common than others and some may affect younger or older people.
Most common phobias
Phobia of spiders (arachnophobia)
Phobia of social situations (social phobia)
Phobia of air travel (aerodromophobia)
Phobia of open spaces (agoraphobia)
Phobia confined spaces (claustrophobia)
Phobia of heights (acrophobia)
Phobia of water (aquaphobia)
Cancer phobia (carcinophobia)
Phobia storm, storms (cheimophobia)
Phobia of death (necrophobia)
Phobia of having a cardiac malaise (cardiophobia)
Infrequent phobias
Fruit phobia (carpophobia)
Phobia of cats (Aphorophobia)
Dog phobia (cynophobia)
Phobia of contamination by microbes (mysophobia)
Phobia of childbirth (tokophobia)
According to a study of 1,000 people aged 18 to 70, researchers have shown that women are more affected by animal phobia than men. According to the same study, the phobias of inanimate objects would rather concern the elderly. Finally, the fear of injections seems to diminish with age1.

Normal" fears during childhood
In children, certain fears are frequent and are part of the normal development of the child. Among the most common fears are: fear of separation, fear of the dark, fear of monsters, fear of small animals, etc ...
Often these fears appear and disappear with age without interfering with the overall well-being of the child. However, if certain fears become established over time and have a significant impact on the behavior and well-being of the child, do not hesitate to consult a pediatrician.
To make the diagnosis of phobia, it must be ensured that the person has a persistent fear of certain situations or certain objects.
The phobic person is terrified of being confronted with the dreaded situation or object. This fear can quickly become a permanent anxiety that can sometimes evolve into a panic attack. This anxiety encourages the phobic person to circumvent situations or objects that arouse fear, avoidance and / or reassurance (avoid an object or ask a person to be present for the purpose of be reassured).
To make the diagnosis of phobia, the health professional can refer to the diagnostic criteria for phobia in DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - 4th Edition) or ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases). and related health problems - 10th revision). He can conduct a specific clinical interview to look for signs of a phobia.
Numerous scales such as the Scale of Fears (FSS III) or the Marks and Mattews Fear Questionnaire are available to doctors and psychologists. They can use them to objectively validate their diagnosis and assess the intensity of the phobia as well as the repercussions this may have in the patient's daily life.
Phobia is more than a fear, it is a real anxiety disorder. Some phobias develop more easily during childhood, such as the anxiety of being separated from the mother (separation anxiety), while others occur rather in adolescence or adulthood. It should be known that a traumatic event or a very intense stress can be at the origin of the appearance of a phobia.
Simple phobias often develop during childhood. Classic symptoms can begin between 4 and 8 years of age. Most of the time, they follow an event experienced by the child as unpleasant and stressful. These events include, for example, a medical visit, vaccination or blood test. Children who have been trapped in a closed and dark space following an accident risk developing a closed-space phobia called claustrophobia. It is also possible for children to develop phobia "by learning2" if they are in contact with other phobic people in their home environment. For example, in contact with a family member who is afraid of mice, the child may develop a fear of mice too. Indeed, he will have integrated the idea that one must be afraid of it.
The origin of complex phobias are more difficult to identify. Many factors (neurobiological, genetic, psychological or environmental) seem to play a role in their appearance.
Some studies have shown that the human brain is somehow "preprogrammed" to feel certain fears (snakes, darkness, emptiness, etc ...). It seems that some fears are part of our genetic heritage and it is certainly they that allowed us to survive in the hostile environment (wild animals, natural elements, etc.) in which our ancestors lived.
Associated disorders
People suffering from a phobia often have other related psychological disorders such as:
• an anxiety disorder, such as a panic disorder or other phobia.
•         depression.
• excessive consumption of substances with anxiolytic properties such as alcohol3.

Suffering from a phobia can become a real handicap for the person who has it. This disorder can have repercussions on the emotional, social and professional lives of phobic individuals. In trying to combat the anxiety that accompanies the phobia, some people may resort, in an abusive way, to certain substances having anxiolytic properties such as alcohol and psychotropic substances. It is also possible that this anxiety evolves into anxiety attacks or generalized anxiety disorder. In the most dramatic cases, phobia can also lead some people to suicide.

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