معلومات عن الكلاب بالانجليزي بحث انشاء تعبير موضوع برجراف انشاء عن الكلب
كلب مسعور صديق الانسان حيوان اليف دجنه الانسان لكلاب هي الحيوانات الأليفة المفضلة في جميع أنحاء العالم. الكلب كلبه عشق عالم  معلومات عن  اين تعيش الكلاب وانواعها  كلب 2015 2018 2017
تربية الكلاب  الشرسة أصل الكلاب معلومات عامة عن الكلاب الفصيلة الكلبية  بحث شامل عن الكلاب
طعام مسكن اكل الكلاب   للاطفال البلدى تقرير قصير سهل صالح لجميع المواضيع  الحيوانات
information about dog
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Physical description
The dog is a mammal of the family Canidae. It is the first animal species to have been domesticated by humans for the purpose of hunting.

The size and weight of dogs varies greatly from breed to breed. For example, the Chihuahua can weigh about 1 kg for 16 cm while a Great Dane can weigh 90 kg for 72 cm.
His place of life
We find the dog practically in all the countries of the world. He lives in harmony with men as a work or companion animal. Its behavioral characteristics are worth the name of "best friend of man".
His diet
The domestic dog is carnivorous but it also consumes other types of food such as cereals and vegetables. However, half of his diet must be meat.
His reproduction
The bitch goes into heat on average twice a year. After about 2 months of gestation, it gives birth to a litter of 2 to 12 puppies, depending on the breed.
His life expectancy
A dog lives on average 11 years, but it can go to 18 or even 21 years.
The dog's cry
The dog emits various types of cry depending on the case. He may groan when he is unhappy or barking when he feels a danger. The dog squeaks and yaps too.
Particular signs
The sense of smell is extremely developed in dogs. That's why it's used a lot for explosives, drugs, missing persons, and so on.
His hearing is also very fine. A dog can hear sounds four times farther than man and even perceives sounds that man can not hear.

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