معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن
 بحث عن الزرافة باللغة الانجليزية معلومات بسيطة عن الزرافة بالانجليزي
the giraffe
information about giraffe
معلومات عن زرافة نطق كلمة زرافة بالانجليزية
ترجمه كلمه giraffe زرافة ترجمة في القاموس -- الإنجليزية في Glosbe
information about giraffe
معلومات بسيطة عن الزرافة بالانجليزي
the giraffe
موضوع عن الزرافة بالانجليزي قصير كلمة زرافة  معلومات عن الزرافة بالعربي والانجليزي 

Physical description
The giraffe is an ungulate mammal with heels at its feet. With large legs and especially a very long neck, it measures up to 5.50 meters. An individual weighs on average 1 ton for a male and 600 kg for a female.

The giraffe has a recognizable coat, with red spots on a white background. On his head stand two little horns covered with skin. She also has a thin tail that measures 70 to 100 cm.

This animal runs on average at the speed of 15 km / h but can make peaks at 55 km / h.
His place of life
The giraffe lives in Africa, in the savannah. It is found from Chad to South Africa. But it is mainly in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and Niger that one can meet herds of giraffes.
His diet
The giraffe is an herbivorous ruminant: it feeds mainly on tree leaves (including acacias) and regurgitates its food to chew it a second time. Sometimes she can eat fruits or flowers.
His reproduction
From the age of 5, the female giraffe is able to have pups. Only a dominant male who has managed to get rid of others gets the privilege of impregnating the female. After 15 months of gestation, the baby, called a giraffe or giraffe, falls from the belly of his mother who gives birth standing up: he can fall by 2 meters. With a height of at least 1m70 and a weight between 40 and 80 kg, the child has one hour to start nursing his mother otherwise he is abandoned. He will live with his mother for about 2 years.
His life expectancy
The giraffe can live 25 years in the wild, over 36 years in captivity.
Cry of the Giraffe
Mistakenly considered as dumb, the giraffe utters inaudible grunts for humans but other giraffes can hear from far away.
Particular signs
The hind legs of the giraffe are shorter than its front legs.
The giraffe sleeps little: less than 2 hours a day.

It is the only terrestrial mammal that can not yawn.

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