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حالات  كلام  اجمل ما قيل عن الام بالانجليزي اغنية مكتوبة قصيرة انشودة  اناشيد
كلام جميل عن الام بالانجليزي مترجم
تعبير عن الام بالانجليزي قصير جدا
اجمل ما قيل عن عيد  الام بالانجليزي
رسالة شكر للام بالانجليزي
حالات واتس اب عن الام بالانجليزي
عبارات عن الام بالانجليزي مترجمه قصيره
اقوال وحكم عن الام بالانجليزي
شعر عن الام بالانجليزي مترجم بالعربي قصير
شعر بالانجليزي عن الوطن
قصيدة رسالة الى امي
Mothers Day
In France, Mother's Day is a civil celebration, held on the last Sunday of May. However, if this date coincides with Pentecost (commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ, shortly after his ascension to heaven), then it is postponed to the first Sunday of June.
However, while many celebrations of the French calendar are the result of a centuries-old tradition, Mother's Day is a relatively recent creation.

Nevertheless, there is a concept of the celebration of mothers in ancient times. Thus, the Greeks celebrated the goddess Rhea [1] in the spring; in Rome, the Matronalia were celebrated on March 1st (from the Latin matrona, or "mother of the family" in French). On this occasion, the mothers received gifts and money, then visited the temple of Juno to lay flowers.
The month of March was very important for the Romans, being baptized in honor of the god of the same name. Thus, this celebration echoed the abduction of the Sabines, founding episode of Roman history

 The abduction of the Sabines, by Nicolas POUSSIN, around 1638, Louvre Museum, Paris.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, old customs were gradually abandoned, and Mother's Day fell into oblivion. Thus, it is only from the end of the nineteenth century that the idea of ​​a Mother's Day gradually resurfaced.
In the United States, a first celebration for mothers was organized in Virginia in 1908 at the instigation of Anna Jarvis (the latter, a feminist and anti-militarist activist, wanted to honor the memory of his mother, who died three years earlier).
In the space of a few years, mother's day was an important success, and was formalized by President Thomas Woodrow Wilson in 1914 (note that at the end of his life, Anna Jarvis denounced the mother's day, become a commercial party).

In Europe, the French and German governments decided a few years later to organize a similar celebration. At this date, the goal is to reward mothers of families, because of the carnage caused by the First World War [5].
On the French side, Mother's Day for large families was adopted in 1920, followed by Mother's Day in 1929. In 1941, Marshal Petain [6] included Mother's Day in the calendar, as part of a national policy. a natalist, also wishing to reward mothers with only one child (this celebration was confirmed by decree in 1950, a few years after the end of the war).
In Germany, the Nazi regime took advantage of this holiday to exalt the Aryan family, [7] rewarding the mothers of more than four children of the Mutterkreuz ("Cross of Honor of the German mother").
In England, Mother's Day began to spread from the 1920s, but was not really successful until the Second World War (American soldiers handing mother's day to their British allies).

Vichy propaganda poster for Mother's Day, 1943.

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world. However, if unlike religious holidays, the date of celebration varies from one country to another, Mother's Day is generally organized during the spring.

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