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حيوان اللاما بالانجليزي اللاما أو اللاّمة    الأهليّة  (الاسم العلمي : Lama glama) حيوان من الثدييات من فصيلة الجمليات، يعيش في جبال الأنديز في أمريكا الجنوبية معلومات عن حيوان اللاما اللاما وفوائده للإنسان للاما هجين الغوناق حيوان اللاما   أماكن تواجد حيوان اللاما  اللاما والإنسان   فوائد اللاما حيوان اللاما حيوان اللاما يصنف من الجمليات ترجمة و معنى اللاما بالإنجليزي

Physical description
The llama is a domestic mammal, of the same family as the dromedary and the camel. But it differs from them by its smaller corpulence and the absence of lump on the back. It has long rounded ears and often curved at the ends, a short tail and a long wool-like fur. This may have a solid color or a combination of several colors, including white, gray, beige, black, etc.
A lama measures between 100 and 190 cm from the head to the hooves, for a weight varying between 130 and 200 kg.
His place of life
The lama is an animal native to South America where he is raised for his meat, but also for carrying loads. However, it is not used to transport men because it does not support a load of more than 30 kg.

It is also bred in Europe and North America, particularly for its popular wool, which is softer, warmer and lighter than that of sheep. Lamas are also increasingly used as caretakers for herds of cows or goats.
His diet
Lamas are herbivores. They feed on grasses, hay, brambles, ferns, nettles, etc.
His reproduction
Males and females breed at 2 or 3 years of age. Unlike most other mammals, llamas do not have a particular breeding season; fertilization can occur at any time of the year. Gestation lasts between 11 and 13 months and small crias weigh about 11 kg at birth. They are breastfed by their mother until the age of 6 months.
His life expectancy
The longevity of the lama is from 10 to 25 years old.
The cry of the llama
The lama emits several types of sounds, depending on the circumstances: sadness, imminent danger, hostility towards another animal. He may snap his tongue when he communicates with his peers, or utter a loud cry when he is angry or when he wants to warn his group of the imminence of danger.
Particular signs
When the lama is angry, he may spit. However, he does it only on another lama, very rarely on a man

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