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موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع انجليزي عن ابدا قصير كيفية كتابة موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية توجيهي قواعد
كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي طريقة سهلة لكتابة تعبير بالانجليزي موضوع تعبير انجليزي يصلح
لكل المواضيع كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسك دولة عاصمة كيفية باللغة الانجليزية كتابة
تعبير بالانجليزي عن المستقبل وصف تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع موضوع انشاء شامل
لكل المواضيع موضوع تعبير عربي يصلح لجميع المواضيع موضوع تعبير انجليزي جاهز برجراف
ينفع لاى موضوع تعبير عن وطني نبذة معلومات عامة my country عن الوطن قصير جدا طويل paragraph presentation
اين في اي قاره عاصمة السياحة مملكة لمحة
عن نقاط الاهتمام الوجهات عادات وتقاليد الشعوب
الشامل قائمة مدن جمهورية the great wall of information برزنتيشن
دولة حول تكاليف المعيشه السياحة في للطلاب عرض ملخص مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد
فى لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير كلمة
تحدث تقرير انجليزي عن اي دوله مقدمة خاتمة عدد سكان مدن الوجهات
العرب المسافرون نقاط الاهتمام مساحة معلومات عن سنغافورة بالانجليزي سنغافورة عاصمة نسبة
المسلمين في سنغافورة اين تقع سنغافورة اقتصاد سنغافورة سنغافورة قبل وبعد اسباب
نهضة سنغافورة
في سنغافورة بالانجليزي اهم معالم سنغافورة دليل
جزيرة سنتوسا في سنغافورة جدول
سياحي سنغافورة معالم سنغافورة ضربة معلم السياحة
في سنغافورة تكلفة السياحه في سنغافوره
Heritage District
The administrative district of yesteryear, developed around the
Padang during the 19th century. George Coleman and his English counterparts,
revisiting the Palladian and Gothic architectures, gave birth to the
Singaporean colonial style. Rebuilt in the 20th century, the Heritage District
still contains period buildings, turned into museums: National Museum of
Singapore, Asian Civilizations Museum or cultural centers - Old Parliament
Asian Civilizations Museum
An emblematic building of the Heritage District, the seat of the
government of the British colony stands at the very place where the first
arrivals landed. An architectural marriage of neo Palladian and
"tropical" elements (porches with columns for shade, high ceilings
and shuttered windows for ventilation ...), since 2003 it has hosted a modern
and fun museum (also called ACM) dedicated to the history and cultures of Asia.
Peranakan Museum
The community of the "Chinese of the Straits" of
Singapore, which, since the late nineteenth century, is a great success in
business, has left the imprint of its dual culture on the city. This
magnificent eclectic building (1910) reveals its riches, especially in the
galleries dedicated to the rites of marriage and the veneration of ancestors.
Unique collection of black and white photos.
Singapore River
Formerly, tongkang (goods boats) swarmed on the river, spilling
coffee, sugar or rice on the docks, then fief coolies, these fast carriers with
their burden balancing on the shoulders ... Since then, much water has flowed
under bridges and bumboats now carry a much more polished crowd, which sweeps
over quays transformed into a vibrant network of museums, terraces, bars and
Colorful and expressive, like the community that gave it its name,
this historic district, in the shadow of the skyscrapers of the business
district, aligns housing bars and rows of native shophouses (narrow family homes
with commercial space on the ground floor and dwelling upstairs). Renovation
campaigns have turned them into big hotels, chic restaurants or spas, but the
neighborhood remains a popular place to eat, be told fortunes, pray or play
Little India
At the beginning of the 19th century, settlers set up their
country residences on the meadows around the race course. Twenty years later,
attracted by slaughterhouse and brickyard jobs, Indian migrants (who largely
contributed to the city's construction) colonized this historic area. To soak
up its special atmosphere, both Indian and Singaporean, stroll along the
shophouses of Serangoon Road and the neighboring streets (Dickson Road, Dunlop
Street, Desker Road, etc.).
Orchard Road
As Paris has its Champs-Élysées, in Singapore, locals, tourists,
fashion designers and fashion victims only have eyes for Orchard Road! On this
famous "road of the Orchard", where the attacks of tigers between
muscadiers were once commonplace, today are only restaurants, hotels and,
especially, shopping centers and department stores in abundance!
Marina Bay Sands
Singapore, which has the madness of magnitudes, speaks only of
that and everyone rushes to the door of one of the most impressive leisure
attractions in Asia! It must be said that everything is here at hand: hotel,
restaurants, casino, museum, luxury shopping center, theaters, sports complexes
... A real city in the city!
Pulau Ubin
Tired of skyscrapers and shopping? Direction "Granit
Island", (small) expedition for a change of scenery! At the Changi Point
Ferry Terminal, no exact timetable, wait until the bumboat is full ... Once in
port, cross the nonchalant village and cycle through the jungle and old
quarries to observe the fauna (monitor lizards, snakes or long-tailed
MacRitchie Reservoir
Despite its small size and creeping urbanization, the Garden City
has saved important areas of nature and original forest. In the center of the
island, the oldest reserve of fresh water (1868), named after its creator,
allows pleasant walks (depending on the path and the weather), sheltered from
the sun under the big trees ... in equatorial humidity and the infernal
dialogue of cicadas!
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