تعبير برجراف مقال  نبذة سيرة انشاء تقرير موضوع برزنتيشن فقرة
،بحث كامل نبذة عن العالم قصة حياة معلومات بالانجليزي من هو مؤلفات انجازات فلسفة بحث جاهز باللغة الانجليزية علماء عرب .. أبرز كتب ومؤلفات The story
بحث نشأة وحياته  علوم العلوم الفلكية  علم الأحياء  علم النبات  الفلسفة ومترجم موضوع انجليزي عن عالم مشهور موضوع انجليزي عن العالم  معلومات مختصرة موضوع تعبير عن شخص مشهور بالانجليزي قصير تعبير عن قدوتي  معلومة عن مختصرة
الكتب انجازات وفاة  مسيرته حياته علمه تلامذته باختصار مترجم العالم
أبو علي الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم (354 هـ/965م-430 هـ/1040م) عالم موسوعي مسلم قدم إسهامات كبيرة في الرياضيات والبصريات والفيزياء وعلم الفلك والهندسة وطب العيون والفلسفة العلمية والإدراك البصري سيرته أعماله كتاب المناظر نظرية الرؤية المنهج العلمي مسألة ابن الهيثم أعمال فيزيائية أخرى الأبحاث البصرية الفيزياء الفلكية أعماله في علم الفلك معلومات عن ابن الهيثم بالانجليزي من هو ابن هيثم انجازات ابن الهيثم ابن الهيثم تعليمه وتحصيله العلمي بحث عن الحسن بن الهيثم كامل ابن الهيثم الكتب وفاة ابن الهيثم ibn al haytham inventions

Mathematician of ancient Greece.
There are very few proven elements of Euclid's biography. According to the commentator Proclus, he would have lived in the twentieth century. before JC in Alexandria and would be related to the mathematical school of the Museum.
1. The Elements, a monument of mathematics

His work is crowned by the Elements, a vast synthesis of classical Greek mathematics. Euclid deduces therefrom more and more complex propositions of some definitions, postulates (hypotheses which can be denied without contradiction) and axioms, obvious common notions, the most famous of which is the axiom or postulate bearing his name and according to which, by a point of the plan, we can only lead one parallel to a given line. The explicit formulation of postulates notes Euclid's desire to disregard sensitive reality and marks the first appearance of the axiomatic method.
By the rigor of its logical framework, by the judicious choice of the basic notions and by the clarity of its demonstrations, the Elements is a work that has seduced the mathematicians of all time and has served as a model for more than two millennia.

Apothem of a regular polygon Apothem of a regular polygon
The set includes 13 books, to which we join two others, later, attributed to Hypsicles. It is not known whether the first 13 are the work of a single man or a school grouped around Euclid. The first four books are devoted to plane geometry and study the fundamental properties of polygonal and circular figures (→ Euclidean geometry).
Book II lays the foundations of what has been called geometric algebra; all the quantities are represented geometrically and all the operations are carried out geometrically, that is to say by means of construction with the ruler and the compass.

The book V, of a higher complexity, is sometimes attributed to Eudoxe of Cnidus. An exposition of the theory of relations and proportions, he founded the theory of the measurement of magnitudes. This theory of relations is applied in book VI to plane geometry and in particular to similar figures, and, in books VII, VIII and IX, to integers. Book X, very subtle, classifies irrational numbers and the last books deal with geometry in space.

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