معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن
وللغزال أذنان طويلتان نحيلتان مدببتان، وذيل قصير. وشعره قصير وناعم.
ظبي نحيل معروف بجماله ورشاقته ورقته، اصل كلمة غزال عربي وانتقلت إلى العديد من اللغات اللاتينية موضوع نص مقال تقرير بحث انشاء  تعبير عن الغزال بالانجليزي قصير
 Gazella موضوع عن الغزال
 gazelle جهاز معلومات عن الغزال للاطفال غزل بالانجليزي مترجم عربي
كيف اسم غزل بالانجليزي كلمة غزال بالانجليزي معنى كلمة غزال
موضوع عن حيوان الغزال العاشب بالانجليزي
موضوع بالانجليزي عن الغزال موضوع بالانجليزي مكتوب جاهز مميز مختصر قصير للمدرسه او للجامعه او للبحث او للتعبير  موضوع إلقاء في اللغة الانجليزية (برزنتيشن) عن الغزال(GAZELLES)

Physical description
Gazelles are elegant and delicate mammals, of the same family as antelopes. Their size and weight vary by species. They measure 80 to 200 cm in length, 50 to 120 cm in the withers and weigh between 12 and 75 kg.

The hair is red or sand on the back, and white on the belly and back. Some species have a band of black hair defining the belly and the back. They have a black tail measuring 10 to 20 cm, and long, thin legs ending in fragile and pointed hooves.

Its small head has two horns that can be long, spiral or slightly curved at the end. In general, these horns are smaller in the female. In some species, however, only males have horns. We also see on his head a brown or black line that starts from the base of the horns to the mouth, crossing the eye.
His place of life
Gazelles are present in Africa and Asia. They live in hot and dry areas such as deserts, savannahs and steppes. Some species live in larger or smaller groups, up to 300 individuals, while other species live alone.
His diet
Gazelles are ruminant herbivores. They feed on grasses, grasses such as cereals, and leaves. They can live for a very long time consuming a very small amount of water, from plants and dew.
His reproduction
Sexual maturity is reached between 18 and 24 months in males, and between 9 and 12 months in females. In the breeding season, the males compete and the winner reigns over a group of females. The gestation period is 5 to 6 months and after giving birth, the females are very quickly ready to mate again. Thus, some females may have two litters in a year.

In general, a litter has 1 to 2 cubs, but there may be up to four. At birth, the fawn's legs are still very fragile and walk with difficulty. He stays on the grass for a few days, during which he is fed several times a day by his mother. When his legs are strong enough and stable, he can walk after his mother.
His life expectancy
Gazelles can live for up to 12 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity.
The cry of the gazelle
The gazelles are always on the alert, and as soon as they suspect a danger, they cry out, similar to that of the duck, to warn the other individuals of the group.
Particular signs
Gazelles benefit from certain characteristics that are crucial to their survival. They have a particularly good view, allowing them to distinguish a predator 300 meters away.

When they are in danger, the gazelles are able to make leaps of more than 2 meters high, to discourage a possible predator. Finally, they are very agile and fast to the race, can reach a speed of 100 km / h. At this pace, only the cheetah is able to catch up.

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