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  معبد ابو سمبل
معبد ابو سمبل وتعامد الشمس
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مدينة ابو سمبل
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معبد ابو سمبل بالانجليزي
معلومات عن معبد ابو سمبل باللغة الانجليزية
abu simbel temple
لماذا سمى معبد ابو سمبل بهذا الاسم
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معبد ابو سمبل من الداخل
معبد ابو سمبل وتعامد الشمس
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مدينة ابو سمبل
معلومات عن معبد ابو سمبل باللغة الانجليزية
abu simbel temple
paragraph about abu simbel
بحث عن معبد ابو سمبل بالانجليزي
abu simbel temple pdf
لماذا سمى معبد ابو سمبل بهذا الاسم

ABOU SIMBEL is one of the jewels of ancient Nubia, whose borders stretched along the Nile, from the first cataract in the north to the fourth cataract in the south, dividing its territory between Egypt and Sudan current. A delicate and exceptional undertaking, the highly publicized movement of the two great temples of Abu Simbel has become the symbol of the rescue of the monuments of Nubia. Who knew formerly the two species of Abu Simbel, lost in the foothills of Egypt? Today, they are as famous as Tutankhamun's tomb. Under the auspices of Unesco, an international team of engineers and workers with some 3,000 people worked for three and a half years (between 1964 and 1968) to clear the temples of Abu Simbel, cutting them into 807 blocks. for the Great Temple and 235 for the Small Temple, then back in their original orientation, 65m higher, on an artificial hill, huge dome of metal covered with stones reproducing the original frame. Total cost of the operation: $ 40 million, paid by Egypt, the United States and Unesco.

ID card
- Currency: The Egyptian pound is used at ABOU SIMBEL.
- Celebration: The day of the Revolution is celebrated at Abu Simbel on July 23rd.
- Time difference: There is no time difference between France and Abu Simbel in summer. In winter, it takes an hour more in Abu Simbel.
- Official language: As in the rest of the country, the official language is Arabic in Abu Simbel.
- Religion: In the region of Abu Simbel, almost the entire population is of Sunni Muslim obedience.

The climate in the region of ABOU SIMBEL is hot and dry, temperatures can reach 40 ° C.

The city of ABOU SIMBEL is located southwest of Lake Nasser, in the south of the country, near the Sudanese border.

The small village, foot of the site of Abu Simbel, has a time benefited from the rescue of the temples of Ramses II and Nefertari, one still sees there the houses of the engineers and workers.

Today there are a few hotels in Abu Simbel and a lively street in the evening where men meet, to eat or watch a movie on television. Let's not forget that Abu Simbel is the first city after the Sudanese border, freight trucks stop there willingly.

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