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تعبير عن الثعلب بالانجليزي
red fox  معنى كلمة fox ترجمة و معنى ثعلب بالإنجليزي بحث بالانجليزي روعه مميز رهيب مختصر قصير كامل مكتوب كتابه بحث جاهز باللغة الانجليزية حول 'ثعلب
القارت أكلة للحوم والنبات الثعلب الأحمر، والأنثى ثعلبة، والصغار ضغابيس أو جراء. ويسمى شعر الثعلب بالفرو .وصف الثعلب بالانجليزي


Physical description
There are several species of foxes. There is for example the fennec which is the smallest of all, with an average size of 20 cm and a weight of 1.7 kg, or even the polar fox with a completely white coat.
The biggest of all, and also the most common is the red fox, in reference to the color of his coat. He is black at the back of his erect ears, white or gray on the throat and white at the end of his tail. It has an elongated body, a long snout, and a long bushy tail that measures 35 to 50 cm. It measures 35 to 40 cm at the withers, and 60 to 90 cm long, for an average weight of 7 kg.

His place of life
The fox is found in several geographical areas. In the desert area of ​​the Sahara we find the fennec, the little fox with big ears. The Arctic fox lives in cold regions, where winter temperatures can reach -50 ° C. The red fox is widespread in Africa, North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. He lives in varied environments: forests, meadows, cities, savannahs, etc.

His diet
The fox is omnivorous, but predominantly carnivorous. He adapts his diet according to the seasons and the availability of food. It feeds on rabbits, small rodents (mice, squirrels, hamsters, etc.), birds, reptiles but also insects, fish or fruits (blackberries, cherries, apples, etc.).

His reproduction
Foxes breed at 10 months of age. The breeding season runs from January to February. The fox often travels long distances in search of a female he spotted by the shouts that it emits and sniffing the marks left by it.

Gestation lasts about 50 days and the fox calves in a burrow. The litter usually has 4 to 6 blind and deaf cats, weighing between 85 and 125 g. These are breastfed exclusively for 3 weeks, then start eating meat that their parents bring, to be completely weaned around 9 weeks. In the fall, young people gain autonomy one after the other, the males first, then the females.

His life expectancy
In the wild, the fox has a longevity of 2 to 5 years. But in captivity, he can live up to 15 years.

The cry of the fox
Foxes emit several types of cries, depending on the situation. They yel at each other with a shriek like a bark when they meet to make each other known. In rutting, they emit a noisier and more acute bark called yapping. They make use of a dozen other vocalizations to warn their little ones of a danger, to mark their submission or aggressiveness, to reassure their little ones, etc.

Particular signs

The fox has very developed senses. He is able to see at night, to hear sounds of very high frequencies and to smell at a great distance

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