معلومات  بحث موضوع تقرير برجراف برزنتيشن تعبير بحث عن الحيوانات المهددة بالانقراض وكيفية حمايتها بالانجليزي تعبير عن حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزي
تقرير موضوع عن انقراض الحيوانات بالانجليزي في الجزائر بالانجليزية
بحث حول باللغة الانجليزية كيفية حماية الحيوانات من الانقراض الأنواع المهددة بالانقراض خطر الانقراض نص باللغة الإنجليزية حول حيوان مهدد بالإنقراض

There are more and more endangered animal species around the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
There is not a specific class of animals, but all can be affected, be it mammals, birds, fish, reptiles or amphibians.
Fortunately, associations have been created for several years (from the second half of the twentieth century) to protect them as ASPAS (Association for the Protection and Protection of Wild Animals).
But we all can help these people so that these animals do not disappear completely.
The causes of this phenomenon are very numerous. They may be natural, such as drought, fire or lack of food, but it is mostly because of the men that these animals disappear. Seas and forests are ransacked, polluted and destroyed. Animals are hunted for their skin, teeth, scales, feathers, or fat simply for the purpose of making unnecessary clothing, shoes, jewelry, and make-up products.
Some animals are also used in laboratories for scientific research. But it must be admitted that sometimes these sacrifices are useful because, for some sacrificed animals, millions of men can be saved. We can give the example of Japan hunting whales for scientific research, but these mammals are eaten after this research by the population.
In some countries, nature reserves have been created. Hundreds of people are responsible for monitoring and caring for the animals. They are also there to avoid the killing of poachers.
In other countries, animals are reintroduced into their natural environment. Unfortunately this has sometimes caused some problems because we must not forget that they remain wild animals despite the protection of men. These animals often hunt and kill domestic animals such as sheep, goats, or cows by survival instinct, and shepherds complain about them.
In conclusion, we think that there are solutions to prevent the disappearance of animals but these sometimes have limits. However, the most important to protect them is to avoid poaching by refusing to buy any product derived from these animals. We must also respect them and not mistreat them. And above all, do not destroy or pollute their natural environment and the planet in general.

To fight against these disappearances of animal species mobilize the whole population which must mobilize to protect and preserve the species li go extinct and disappear
.Preserve their natural habitats prohibit hunting and their trafficking. Many are prey to traffic that generates millions of Euros like turtles reptiles parrots that are captured and resold on the black market.
Awareness needs to be raised among the population and the competent authorities
Integrate an association for the protection of animals as volunteers
The more we mobilize the more the repercussions of these associations will be important and the more the actions undertaken to preserve threatened species will be effective

What can be done to protect endangered animal species?
Once considered as mere entertainment spaces, zoos around the world have now become protected areas for endangered animal species. In recent years, zoological garden leaders, assisted by members of the scientific community, have undertaken extensive conservation projects for the most endangered species around the world. Often, this work done by zoos is one of the only possible outcomes to extinction outright. These programs consist in multiplying the births, in order to have a sufficient animal reservoir to ensure the survival of the species. These animals are listed in Studbooks, true genealogical books that preserve the genetic heritage of the species. This information makes it possible to follow the evolution of a particular species, the number of individuals that form it, and the reintroduction experiments that concern it

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