تعبير برجراف مقال  نبذة سيرة انشاء تقرير موضوع برزنتيشن فقرة
،بحث كامل نبذة عن العالم قصة حياة معلومات بالانجليزي من هو مؤلفات انجازات فلسفة بحث جاهز باللغة الانجليزية علماء عرب .. أبرز كتب ومؤلفات The story
بحث نشأة وحياته  علوم العلوم الفلكية  علم الأحياء  علم النبات  الفلسفة ومترجم موضوع انجليزي عن عالم مشهور موضوع انجليزي عن العالم  معلومات مختصرة موضوع تعبير عن شخص مشهور بالانجليزي قصير تعبير عن قدوتي  معلومة عن مختصرة
الكتب انجازات وفاة  مسيرته حياته علمه تلامذته باختصار مترجم العالم
أبو علي الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم (354 هـ/965م-430 هـ/1040م) عالم موسوعي مسلم قدم إسهامات كبيرة في الرياضيات والبصريات والفيزياء وعلم الفلك والهندسة وطب العيون والفلسفة العلمية والإدراك البصري سيرته أعماله كتاب المناظر نظرية الرؤية المنهج العلمي مسألة ابن الهيثم أعمال فيزيائية أخرى الأبحاث البصرية الفيزياء الفلكية أعماله في علم الفلك معلومات عن ابن الهيثم بالانجليزي من هو ابن هيثم انجازات ابن الهيثم ابن الهيثم تعليمه وتحصيله العلمي بحث عن الحسن بن الهيثم كامل ابن الهيثم الكتب وفاة ابن الهيثم ibn al haytham inventions

We can say that he is the precursor of the invention of the camera and cinema. Indeed, he is the first to have highlighted the phenomenon of what is called retinal persistence that is at the origin of the invention of cinema. Finally, he is the first scientist to have considered the experimental method as the basis of scientific research.

Outside of optics, he has innovated in several other disciplines. According to the census conducted by several historians of science including Ahmed Djebbar, professor of mathematics and specialist in the history of science, Ibn Al-Haytham would have written 186 writings, which range from a two-page writing to a writing that exceeds thousand pages. These writings are divided between scientific writings in optics, physics other than optics, mathematics, astronomy and the rest of writings in philosophy, speculative theology and music.

In his famous book entitled "Doubts about Ptolemy", he would be the first to criticize in a very original way the planetary models of Ptolemy. A copy of his book was found in Andalusia in the hands of Ibn Bâjja, Al Bitruji, the great Averroes, later inspiring some geometric solutions in the 13th century and developed thanks to Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi and his followers as Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi or the great Syrian Ibn al-Shatir. What most of us do not know is that these same geometric solutions of the planetary models will be found later at Copernicus, especially in the lunar model.

Ibn Al Haytham is also credited with the first principle of mechanics taken up by Galileo: a body in motion if it does not undergo another force, would always remain in its inertial movement. In addition, and for only a few years, recent research has shown its contribution to geometry and number theory. He would have developed a theorem considered to be the premise of many theorems established from the end of the 17th and 18th centuries, especially Wilson's theorem and works on magic squares.

I end this post with a sentence from his autobiography that embodies a certain hybrid intelligence:

"Since I was a child, I have been skeptical of people's beliefs, of the attachment of each group to their beliefs. As for me, I doubted the whole thing, convinced that the truth is one and that the divergences on it came from the way to achieve it. When I had the ability to grasp rational questions, I devoted myself to the search for truth and directed my will toward the acquisition of ideas that are closer to God. I have desired the truth and the pursuit of science, I have convinced myself that there are no better things in men that bring God closer than these two. (Ibn Al-Haytham)

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