معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
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معلومات عن السحلية بالانجليزي الورل  كلمة سحلية معنى سحلية  كلمة lizard معنى حرباء بالانجليزي معني كلمه iguana  حرباية بالانجليزي معنى كلمة lozar

السحالي جمع سحلية أو العظاء جمع عظاءة
سحلية تنين كومودو بالإنجليزية: Komodo dragon، أضخم أنواع الورل من السحالي البرمائية اللاحمة

the monitor

Its natural habitat is Indonesia, but can be found in Africa, see some species in Asia. It is an animal that is part of the family of reptiles (cold-blooded animal), there are about thirty different species.

The best known monitor, is undoubtedly the dragon of Komodo. This impressive-sized animal uses its poison bite to trigger an infection to weaken its prey. The bacteria that develop around his mouth are due to the fact that it is a scavenger. This hunting technique allows him to wait quietly until his prey succumbs to his injuries.

In addition, the Komodo dragon is a great swimmer, he is also very good at climbing trees. The skin is hard, it is colored from brown to black. The monitor can weigh nearly 50 kg in adulthood. He has a habit of settling near streams. It is a carnivorous animal that has a varied diet, its favorite dishes are the corpses of birds or fish. Adults feed on pigs, deer, dogs, or buffaloes. Young people are happy with mice, birds, small lizards, rats and all kinds of insects. They spot their prey thanks to their sense of smell refined by their language.

It is a protected species. It can not be held as NAC (new pets). There are more than 5,000 Komodo dragons in the wild. The species is however under the protection of the Indonesian government because the population has only 350 females that can ensure the perpetuation of the species.
The Komodo dragon has a reputation as a man-eating monster and his bifurcated tongue that he launches in the manner of a whip is probably for something in his legend.

He lives in a very limited geographical area. It is found only in the four islands of southern Indonesia. It is one of the most important carnivorous animals of today, it can measure up to 2.50 m and weighs 165 kg, and specimens of up to 3 m long have been recorded. It has four short, powerful legs with pointed claws.

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