Physical description

The rhinoceros is a herbivorous mammal of the family Rhinocerotidae. The animal is around 4 meters long and 2 meters high. Its weight can reach 3 tons. According to the origin of the word, the rhinoceros is an animal with horns lying on its nose. The large mammal has, at the end of the muzzle, one or two horns depending on the species.


In addition, the rhinoceros has short but huge legs. His foot has three fingers ending in a claw. The animal is endowed with incredible strength because of its large muscle mass: it can run up to 50 km / h. It has a thick skin of gray or brown color.

 معلومات بحث موضوع تعبير فقرة تقرير  برزنتيشن  نص مقال تقرير بحث انشاء 

تعبير عن بالانجليزي ماذا يأكل كيف اين يعيش في البحر الاحمر  معلومات عن القرش الابيض بالانجليزي بسيطه عن القرش بالانجليزي قصير
موضوع عن الاسماك  معنى كلمة سمك القرش مختصره تعبير عن حيوان بحري بالانجليزي
أسماك البحار معظمها مفترسة وبعضها غیر مفترسة القِرشُ الحُوت تقرير انجليزي
الاسماك  ما معنى كلمة shark معلومات عن سمك القرش الابيض.
سمك القرش يلد ام يبيض اين يعيش سمك القرش تكاثر سمك القرش سمك القرش ياكل انسان
القرش المطرقة معلومات بسيطه عن القِرش الحُوتيّ

His place of life

Rhinos are found in much of the world, including: Africa, Sumatra, Borneo, India, Vietnam, Nepal, and Java. Its natural environment is mainly savannah. It is a generally solitary animal.

There are different types of rhinos depending on their location.


His diet

The rhinoceros, as a herbivore, is an animal that feeds on leaves, grasses, plants and fruits.


His reproduction

Regardless of sex, rhinos are polygamous and polyandrous, meaning they can live with multiple partners. To be able to mate, males can go so far as to fight. Then, before proceeding with the mating proper, the partners chase each other and repeat a fight.

To be able to give birth to a small rhinoceros, the female undertakes a management period of 15 to 18 months. The baby and the mother are inseparable for two years or more.


His life expectancy

The rhinoceros can live from 35 to 50 years depending on its species.


His shout

Like the elephant, the rhinoceros throws a barrage: it is said that it locks or barks. The animal can also grunt or sniff.


Particular signs

The rhinoceros is a threatened species. It is currently in the reintroduction phase in different parts of the world.

It is the largest terrestrial mammal today, after the elephant. He does not see very well but he has a hearing and a very developed sense of smell.

Rhinos sleep during the day and are active at night

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