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canada cities

Montreal, my hometown

I was born in a city in Canada. It's called Montreal. Montreal is a city located in the heart of the St. Lawrence River and is known around the world for several reasons.

The story
Montreal has a long history. This city whose winter is hostile was first founded by Maisonneuve. He had been named Ville-Marie. There were many wars, rebellions and conquests thereafter. She passed from the hands of the French to the hands of the English. There were injustices, because the two races that lived under the control of the Queen of England were very different.

The people and the language
The population living in Montreal is practically just French and English. Those who are not represent a small part of the population. There are approximately 4 million inhabitants in Greater Montreal. in Ville-Marie, French and English are spoken. The other languages ​​are also spoken, but by fewer people.

The sport
My hometown is renowned for the sport. She has the best hockey team and she has multiple stadiums where teams can train. There are several clubs where you can practice a team sport and our climate is perfect for practicing summer sports and winter sports. There have been several sporting events taking place in Montreal such as: the Tour de l'lele, the Marathon and the Formula 1 Canada Grand Prix. Ville-Marie has even hosted the Summer Olympics in 1976!

The landscape
Montreal is a very pretty city. At the top of Mount Royal, you can see it all. You can see several skyscrapers, the Olympic Stadium, houses and cars teeming in the city. This city has several large parks and impressive buildings. The only thing the landscape is pollution. There is not only air pollution, but also light pollution that prevents us from seeing the stars.

The climate
Montreal has a very strange climate. It is very cold in winter and it is very hot in summer. In winter, it can go down to -30 ° C and in summer, it can go up to 30 ° C! It can snow so much that we can not open the door and it can hail until the windshield of the car seems to break. It can get so hot that you want to go out naked and it can get so cold that the heating system can not warm up anymore. This gives advantages and disadvantages. We will have good harvests, but we will fall into apples because of the heat. We can ski, skate and build snowmen, but we can be so cold that we do not feel our fingers and our toes anymore.

Montreal has qualities, but also many flaws. There are festivals and various activities throughout the year, but the economy is not very good because of the language. To be able to work, you have to be able to speak French! But in life, one must not always just see the bad city of events. I love Montreal, the city where I was born for the first time.

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