تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص عن
تعبير بالانجليزي عن تركيا. تقرير جاهز عن تركيا. عندي بحث بالانجليزي عن تركيا. الرحلة إلى تركيا.الجميلة  تعبير انجليزي عن رحلة سفر الى دولة  تعبير بالانجليزي عن رحلة الى تركيا  معلومات عن اهم واجمل الاماكن السياحية في تركيا تقرير جاهز عن تركيا الأنجليزي تقرير عن رحلتي لتركيا قصير تعبير عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي
عرض معلومات عن تركيا تعبير عن تركيا 

Ah, Turkey! this beautiful capricious country with a very particular language. But why risk remaining hungry because of this language barrier? The beautiful, exuberant Bosphorus charms the eye, the stuffed vine leaves exotic taste are an Ottoman culinary marvel, but is there really someone to tell you and explain it to you? We all agree, Turkey is a silent civilization since their language is unknown by any visitor, so change destination!
For you, 11 good reasons to NEVER visit Turkey:
1. Turkey has no history
It has no archaeological site.

2. It's never sunny and it's raining all the time
A dog's time, we tell you.

3. There is no ethnic diversity and people are shut up
No sense of sharing and hospitality.

4. Their dishes are not rich
And do not want at all ...

5. Antalya is just HORRIBLE!

6. Their films and series are not appreciated at the international level
But not at all!
7. Their tea is renowned for being undrinkable
You can not help but scrape your throat.

8. The country is devoid of greenery and natural spaces
Cumbersome cemented infrastructure at sight.

9. There are no historical monuments
Nothing to see and nothing to visit.

10. Their steam rooms are not tip top
Not relaxing at all!

11. The beaches of Antalya are repulsive
It does not make you want to swim.

reasons to choose Turkey as a country of expatriation

I went to conquer Turkey at the beginning of 2012.
Initially, I went there to join a friend living in Istanbul and enjoy the 3 months granted by my tourist visa.

Finally, after more than 4 months, I'm still in Turkey :)

So I will tell you the reasons for this extended expatriation.
The point of view of a digital nomad
Indeed, Turkey is considered as one of the countries where expatriation formalities are the simplest in the world.

In addition, Turkey is ranked as one of the best countries of expatriation taking into account the quality of life / cost of living ratio.
These are just some of the reasons that made me stay a little longer than planned in Turkey and I realize that they do not concern everyone.

I will now reveal 5 more general reasons for choosing Turkey as a country of expatriation.

1 - Visa renewal is easy
Visa Passport Immigration Visa extension is a crucial issue for a person considering a long-term expatriation to a country.
Some countries are such that it is fairly easy to stay there and for cheap; and other countries are such that it is almost impossible to stay there for more than a few months.

Turkey is one of the countries in the first category.

For more information on visa extension in Turkey, you can have a look at my article titled How to extend your visa to stay longer in Turkey

Despite some changes in laws in early 2012, the procedures to extend your Turkish visa remain fairly simple.
2 - Enjoy the amenities of Europe at Asian prices

The city of Istanbul itself is a little expensive but everywhere else in Turkey, prices are relatively low compared to any other Western European countries.

The cost of living in Istanbul has increased over the last 10 years, but only moderately.
You have access to all European amenities for prices close to those in Berlin but much lower than those practiced in London or Paris.

However, real business is in small towns, along the Mediterranean Sea and on the Aegean shores. In the charming historic city of Antalya, you can find a 2 star hotel located in the heart of the pedestrian city for only 20 euros a night - hearty breakfast included!

And on the east coast, around Bodrum and Izmir, you can also enjoy cheap amenities such as the Ephesia Holiday Beach Club in Kuşadası.

3 - The language is not very complicated

Flag of Turkey The bad news is that the Turks do not speak much English.

However, unlike our Chinese friends or our friends from the Middle East, the Turkish language uses an alphabet similar to the French alphabet we all know, except that there are some extra letters with umlauts and cedillas.

Learning to read and start speaking Turkish is therefore quite simple.

Better yet, the pronunciation is not difficult and the Turks have no particular accent - unlike English.

4 - Sun 80% of the year

Flip-flops planted in the sand

If you are attracted by the weather, the heat and the sun, the climate of Turkey will please you.

Southern Turkey enjoys a climate almost rivaling that of Southern California, but with significantly different prices on the spot.
The south coast has something like 300 days of sunshine a year.

In Istanbul, summers are hot - averaging 30 degrees with peaks near 40 - and winters are mild.

5 - Enjoy cheap flights to Europe and most destinations in Asia

Turkey in the center of the world

Whether you are in America, Australia or even Europe, you can admit that there is an endless list of things to see in a 1500-kilometer radius around Turkey.

It is very easy to spend a few days in Greece, Italy, Russia, or to a sunnier destination like ... Iraq for example :)

Joking aside, if you look at a world map, you will see for yourself that Turkey is at the center of many holiday destinations (Egypt, Eastern Europe, Dubai, India ...).

Nowhere else can you find such a comparison with regard to the price of airline tickets and the duration of flights.

Indeed, the advantage of being located at the crossroads of 3 continents - Europe, Asia, Africa - allows to benefit from a wide range of flights at incomparable prices and inexpensive in time.

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