تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزي  كتابة انشاء عبارات حكم اقوال تعبير بالانجليزي عن. تقرير جاهز سهل بسيط قطعة معلومات بسيطة مبسط نبذة عن جمل عن اسم كلمة معنى كيف تكتب مترجم رحلة انجليزي
information about   paragraph  presentation  عن مقال حول  للطلاب عرض ملخص مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير كلمة تحدث  تقرير انجليزي عن مقدمة خاتمة   عبارات جميلة باللغة الانجليزية حكم وامثال بالانجليزي عن الابتسامة • كلام عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي إبتسامة جميلة -
عبارات بالانجليزي عن الابتسامه عبارات عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي  حكم وامثال بالانجليزي عن الابتسامة كلام عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي اقوال امثال جمل جملة امثلة حكم عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي كلمات عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي مترجمة عن الابتسامة حكم بالانجليزي عن الابتسامه اقتباس باللغة الانجليزية كلام عن الابتسامه انجليزي قصيره عن السعادة

عن الابتسامة قصيرة عن النجاح برزنتيشن عن الابتسامة انجليزي برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن السعادة موضوع انجليزي مميز موضوع عن الابتسامة بالانجليزي مع الترجمة قصير

Smile: the key element of happiness and good health
How important are we to smile?
This information is no longer relevant, but the French have a time figured among the world's largest consumers of antidepressants. Even if this is no longer the case, this does not mean that current consumption is not problematic. The fact is, that the smile is not necessarily the most common thing in France! A fundamental mistake.
Beautiful teeth to have confidence in yourself
It's not for nothing that many parents rely on professionals, such as here, to correct the positioning of their children's teeth. In adulthood, the smile is a weapon of massive seduction. The movie stars have opened the way: with their perfect mouth, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise have made more than one fall.
In general, a good presentation weighs considerably on self-esteem. Making the effect with a smile is as important today as being well dressed, caring for your body and caring for your hair. By being confident in their appearance, both men and women gain confidence, dare to act more, and are ultimately happier. They are also more convincing and their interlocutors tend to find them more charismatic.
Too often weakened by anxiety and daily stress, psychological health can not do without the slightest bit of help. Gaining confidence in this way would be part of the solution to many personal problems.
The phenomenon of smiling bars
There is simply a whitening of teeth, without having to go through an appointment at the dentist. The process lasts about fifteen minutes and usually costs around 80 €. It goes through three stages:
• Washing of teeth
• Application of a gel composed of hydrogen peroxide
• Exposure of the jaw to UV rays
A single session is of course not enough. The maneuver should be repeated at regular intervals, about once a quarter. This service thus seems easy to access and not very constraining.
But the National Order of Dental Surgeons warns potential customers against the risks of such a practice. Dental caries such as cavities or saliva that is more acidic than average can cause irreversible and unsightly damage.
Bleaching is a medical technique that requires a professional diagnosis (as can be seen on this site). However, the staff of these atypical bars are not qualified to carry out such an analysis. Whitening your teeth to feel better is one thing, risking the opposite effect and drowning your self-confidence is another.
The positive impact on health
But self-esteem is not the only one to be influenced when you smile. This movement of the lips and zygomatic so simple to achieve release endorphins. These neurotransmitters provide a feeling of well-being and optimism that helps improve the psychological balance. We could say that the smile is not a consequence of happiness, but is at the origin!
But these are not the only benefits you enjoy when you smile. Indeed, it also stimulates your immune system, while improving the oxygenation of cells. On the other hand, blood pressure also benefits from this simple gesture, since it helps to reduce it.
By working the muscles of your face, it also helps to dispel wrinkles. In fact, the more you smile, the more you look young. You will not need to have botox injected under the skin, and you will not be affected by cosmetic surgery and its many flaws.

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