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حدث عن نفسك بالانجليزي

تكلم عن نفسك بالانجليزي تعبير
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تحدث عن نفسك باختصار
تعبير انجليزي عن نفسي اول ثانوي
 تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي
تعبير انجليزي عن نفسي اول ثانوي
كيف اصف نفسي بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسي في المستقبل
تكلم عن نفسك بالانجليزي في المقابلة الشخصية
نموذج تحدث عن نفسك بالانجليزي
تكلم عن نفسك بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي قصير

Would you be a good candidate in high school?
Well, for me, I think I would be a good candidate in high school where I will go.
Let's talk about my work. I work very hard for that. I even decided that I will study for the whole summer. And now, I'm going to a school made for that. Let's say I'm a worker ...
I am very good at math! I tell you this not to boast of it, but because I have a reason. Not long ago, in April, I participated in a math contest called Pythagoras. But since I am only in fifth grade, ours is called karima. And I got a gold medal! I am the eleventh in Canada and second in Quebec! Even now that I think, I feel proud of myself.
I also play sports and I play a musical instrument. I really like basketball and figure skating. These are my two favorite sports! I practice at school and with my uncle for basketball. As an instrument, I play the piano. To play this instrument, you have to be calm and patient. I practice one hour a day. But I am also interested in other instruments.
Finally, I think I'll be one of your best candidates. Choose me, and you will not regret ...
Would you be a good candidate in high school?
My fifth year is over, it's soon the high school entrance exam. It's not so easy to attend a good college. You have to have good grades in French and math and also have talent that we like to improve. Today, I want to talk about my talents that can help me to be accepted at the college of my dreams that I can not wait to see again.
First, I'm talking about my most advanced talent, the one that I much prefer, it's drawing in pencil or wax, painting I like that. I started at age 4 and won several awards and also a gold medal with a certificate from the China Drawing Contest. The type of drawing that I prefer is that of water paint that works with wax crayons, it makes a good mixture that is produced on paper.
Then I talk about my most fun talent. Of course, it's writing. There are people who find this talent ridiculous but I love to write. With stories and stories and lots of twists in it, it's fun. This talent helps me a lot to have an A in writing. If you do not believe me, try to write small stories, this will always help you in the newsletter.
Lately, I'm talking about my third favorite talent: DIY. I can do what I want by tinkering. Little swimming ducks and frogs singing, appear on multicolored papers, it's great.

With these talents there, I am improving a lot and I am sure that I will go to a good college

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