ـ بحث عن الحلزون بالانجليزي الحلزون أو باللغة الإنجليزية snail هي عبارةعن رخويات تتخذ من القوقعات أو الصدفات درعا لها لحماية جسدها  الحَلَزُون أو الحِلِّز ويسمى البابوش في شمال افريقيا والمغرب  ترجمة كلمة snail ما معنى كلمة حلزون بالانجليزي
معنى قوقعة  معنى snail بالعربي
snail ترجمة
ترجمة و معنى حلزون بالإنجليزي  الإنجليزية في Glosbe ،  الحلزون - الترجمة إلى الإنجليزية معلومات عامة عن الحلزون
Physical description
The snail is a mollusc of the gastropod class, which is 2-4 cm long. There are thousands of known species, and it is estimated that there are probably millions not yet listed!

His skeletonless body is divided into three large parts: the head, the foot and a visceral mass wrapped under the shell. Inside the shell is the mantle cavity, which contains the heart, kidney and lung. The head has 2 or 4 tentacles (called horns in popular language) and 2 eyes located at the end of the first 2 tentacles.

It only moves forward with the help of its foot, which is in fact a muscle that contracts and elongates alternately. A lid on the tail can block access to the inside of the shell to predators. It has a tongue with 1,500 to 2,000 teeth arranged in rows, called radula.
His place of life
The snail is well adapted to the variations of the humidity of the air. Some species, however, prefer to remain sheltered from their shells during the dry season. Others appear only after the rain and take refuge in the galleries of earthworms or along the roots of plants. Many other species, such as the Burgundy snail, are found in woods, forests, parks. There are also aquatic snails that frequent freshwater.
His diet
The snail feeds mainly on vegetables (celery, salad, tomato ...). Other species also consume substances of animal origin or animal debris. For example, the snail of Burgundy feeds on low plants, but also carrion, waste, etc.
His reproduction
The snail is an amazing animal because of its particular mode of reproduction. Almost all snails are hermaphroditic, that is, they produce both spermatozoa and eggs. However, they must mate to reproduce, to exchange their seeds and to fertilize each other's eggs. Each litter has about 100 eggs that are buried to a depth of 5 to 10 cm from the soil surface. Eggs hatch after 2 to 4 weeks.
His life expectancy
The longevity of snails varies depending on the species. The little gray snails and snails of Burgundy live hardly more than 3 years in the nature. The bigger ones live longer, like the giant African snail that can live until the age of 7 years. In captivity, their life expectancy is significantly longer, exceeding 15 years.
Particular signs
The snail is famous for the slow movement. Indeed, it takes about 1 minute to cover 5 cm.

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