تعبير الصداقة باللغة الانجليزية
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تعبير عن الصديق المفضل بالانجليزي
paragraph about friendship مترجم
تعبير انجليزي قصير وسهل
موضوع بالانجليزي قصير عن
مقالات باللغة الانجليزية عن
تعبير عن وصف الصديق بالانجليزي قصير

Friends are drugs, or the benefits of friendship

Friendship heals. It helps heal all kinds of moral injuries and get better. When a child is subjected to a test - argument of a teacher or a parent, conflict with another student, bad grade ... - he is under stress (measured by the elevation of his cortisol level) and low morale . But a friend is there to support him? His stress decreases faster and self-esteem is restored more quickly. This is demonstrated by an experiment that has just been conducted in Canada. Fifty-five boys and 48 girls attending schools and colleges in Montreal were asked to write down in a newspaper the unpleasant events that had happened to them for four days. At the same time, their cortisol levels were measured by simple saliva samples, indicating their level of stress. It has become clear that children with a friend are much more resilient to the unpleasant experiences they experience. For William Bukowski, who conducted the study, these results are far-reaching. "The physical and psychological reactions to negative experiences in childhood are reflected in adulthood," he says. The excessive secretion of cortisol can also lead to important physiological changes such as immunosuppression. He adds that "the identity of the human being is built around what he learns about himself at a young age. If he develops a low self-esteem, his personal image will be directly affected in adulthood. "

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