بحث موضوع تقرير برجراف برزنتيشن تعبير  عن افات اخطار عواقب الحروب الدمار
اضرار الحرب سلبيات الحرب دور الحروب وتأثيرها الحروب وأثارها النفسية اخطار الحروب نتائج الحروب موضوع انشاء عن الحروب اثار الحرب اثار الحرب على الفرد والمجتمع الحروب وآثارها اثار الحروب على الانسان اسباب الحرب اثار الحروب على الاطفال

The dangers of war
The first consequence of a war: human losses and collateral damage.
World War I, World War II, the war in Algeria, attacks in Iraq, the Hundred Years War or the Gulf War, all these battles and many more unfortunately identify many casualties. The first hit are the soldiers. In the front line, they are fighting each other for their country. Each with specific convictions, for a cause of their own. Through their weapons, they shoot at each other and provoke various dead, wounded or disabled. But that does not stop at that. In addition to soldiers, some directly attack the innocent. Men, women, children, these innocents of all ages are part of human losses that have deplored. Often these deaths are due to acts of terrorism. We remember in particular the attack of September 11 or Paris to Bataclan.
These attacks have the effect of creating a sense of fear and terror among civilians. How many could not catch the plane? How many still have not returned to a concert hall? During wars and attacks, civilians live in daily fear. Day and night, they are afraid of falling near a bomb and or taking a shot. The post-war period is therefore catastrophic for the morale of civilians and soldiers. Living in fear for many months or even years, these people take a long time to get back together and live normally again. Nightmares, memories and physical marks are sometimes a source of trouble for civilians and soldiers.
The consequences of a war are therefore, as we have seen, disastrous for humans. And yet, are they the only ones? Indeed, we will see what are the other consequences of a war and in particular the consequences observed on the geographical environment and the economy of a country. Two aspects that can be disastrous and that can plunge a country into debt.
The consequences of wars are not just human losses. Far too often, the environment in which we live is forgotten as well as the economy and yet ...
Indeed, after the passage of a war - whether due to terrorists or disagreements between countries - many streets are devastated, buildings fall into ruin and homes are destroyed. A blow to the environment that no longer exists as we know it but who suffers the damage orchestrated by soldiers, terrorists or people from other governments desperate to reach their end. In order to restore all this, it is necessary for each country to break the piggy banks and rebuild what has been lost. Because yes, in these times, countries often have to fend for themselves, without help. Unfortunately, not everyone has the cash needed to be able to get back on their feet and avoid losing too much of their wealth.
Nevertheless, other countries are sometimes benevolent and join forces to help the needy. Indeed, for example in Europe during the Second World War, we note that not far from 60% of cities are destroyed. And to be able to stand up and move forward, countries will have to rely on Russia and the United States to support them financially. This in the hope of being able to restore the best of each country.
Among the geographical consequences, we will not forget also the annexation of Alsace / Lorraine to Germany after the Franco-German war of 1870, finally re-annexed to France once the first world war ended on November 11 1918. We will also have a thought for the World Trade Center, destroyed as a result of aircraft impacts on September 11, 2001.

Finally, the geographical consequences are also marked by ammunition or explosive mines sometimes present in the soil or home well after the wars and far from them. And their presence unfortunately still kills many people even after the war is over.

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