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اسماء الدول باللغة الانجليزية -

There was a time when the Mauritanian desert only attracted passionate pioneers. But everything has changed: the plateaus of the Adrar and Tagant see flocking more and more lovers of camel rides, camel treks, or off-road rides. To the endearing Mauritania to know how to preserve its authenticity while composing with a new tourism.

ID card
- Capital: Nouakchott.
- Currency: ouguiya.
- Festival: November 28th.
- Time difference: two hours less in summer compared to France, one hour less in winter.
- Official language: Arabic
- Main cities: Nouadhibou, Kaedi, Zouerate, Rosso, Atar, Kiffa, Selibabi, Nema.
- Religion: Sunni Muslims 100%.

- Number of inhabitants: 3.3 million inhabitants

From March to September, it is very hot throughout the country, especially in the interior. The rainy season is between July and September, in the form of brief storms. Between November and February, the days are hot without being hot, and the nights are rather cool.

Mauritania is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Morocco to the northwest, Algeria to the northeast, Mali to the east and south, and Senegal to the southwest. Two-thirds of the country is part of the Sahara. Only the Atlantic and southern Sahelian facades receive some rainfall.

1 025 520 km²

Kediet Ijill, 915 m

754 km


The desert covers nearly two thirds of the Mauritanian territory. In the west of the country, it consists of dunes and rocks. Inland, it takes the form of a huge expanse of sand (erg) and, on the side of Fort Saganne, a gigantic field of pebbles (reg). Along the Atlantic coast, the famous Banc d'Arguin National Park is home to a rich wildlife (herons, flamingos, seagulls, fish ...), which can also be seen on the island of Tidra.

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