فقرة  برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص   جاهز باللغة الانجليزية  انشاء
ـ موضوع انجليزي عن ابدا قصير كيفية كتابة موضوع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية توجيهي قواعد كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي طريقة سهلة لكتابة تعبير بالانجليزي موضوع تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسك دولة عاصمة كيفية باللغة الانجليزية كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن المستقبل وصف تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع موضوع انشاء شامل لكل المواضيع موضوع تعبير عربي يصلح لجميع المواضيع موضوع تعبير انجليزي جاهز برجراف ينفع لاى موضوع تعبير عن وطني نبذة معلومات عامة my country   عن الوطن قصير جدا طويل paragraph presentation اين  في اي قاره عاصمة السياحة  مملكة  لمحة عن  نقاط الاهتمام الوجهات عادات وتقاليد الشعوب
الشامل  قائمة مدن جمهورية  the great wall of information برزنتيشن تقرير
جمهورية دولة حول  تكاليف المعيشه السياحة في  للطلاب عرض ملخص مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير كلمة تحدث  تقرير انجليزي عن اي دوله مقدمة خاتمة عدد سكان  مدن  الوجهات العرب المسافرون نقاط  
 للطلاب عرض ملخص مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش  معلومات غريبة عن اليابان بالانجليزي  مدينة طوكيو عادات وتقاليد اليابان بالانجليزي   Nipponحضارة معلومات عن اليابان للاطفال بحث عن مدينة طوكيو باللغة الانجليزية عادات سيئة  ثقافة اليابان في الزواج في اللبس الاكل في اليابان حياة اليابانيين اليومية الشعب الياباني ويكيبيد
presentation about japan
information about japan
معلومات عن الحضاره اليابانيه بالانجليزي

Boosted by the economic boom of the 1980s, Japan has become one of the most expensive countries on the planet. If, compared to other destinations in Asia, the Japanese standard of living remains very high, Tokyo or Osaka begin to appear rather affordable compared to some European capitals.
From ¥ 3,500 for a modest ryokan or minshuku (guest-house) room to ¥ 50,000 in a luxury hotel.
A correct menu will cost around ¥ 650, less in a chain like Yoshinoya, present in all Japanese cities. The prices of American fast-food restaurants have dropped - to less than ¥ 250 for a hamburger plus coffee. The chains of restaurants "family" prove of an excellent quality-price ratio, with a 2nd coffee offered. Not to mention the mini-markets where you can buy snacks, onigiri, ramen and soba instant at low prices, or the bento sold in supermarkets at ¥ 300.
transport network
Taxis will be heavy on your budget, with the slightest race starting at ¥ 660. The metro and the suburban train are much more economical: 130 ¥ the 2 or 3 stations. Rates differ slightly depending on the lines.
No tips in Japan; the prices quoted normally include service and VAT.


The country enjoys an excellent level of hygiene and you hardly risk poisoning by food or drink. Although very chlorinated, tap water is drinkable. Foods are distinguished by their quality, but with the Japanese attaching great importance to the presentation and appearance of food, farmers make intensive use of chemicals: it is better to systematically peel fruits and vegetables.

Hospitals - In hospitals, some doctors speak English, but not staff. If possible, have a bilingual person accompany you. The appointments system is not the norm, and you will have to wait for your turn, sometimes for a long time.

Pharmacies - You will be hard pressed to find the equivalent of non-prescription basic medicines in pharmacies, and you will spend a fortune. In contrast, pharmacies -Matsumoto Kiyoshi and Tomods, in the lead - will offer you Chinese or Japanese remedies. Better take with you your usual medications for colds or allergies, for example. Some, if they contain substances like amphetamines, are banned in Japan. Pharmacies have classic remedies for minor ailments, but they do not issue prescription drugs. These are obtained at the hospital or clinic after consultation.


Although 3 times lower than that of France, the crime rate has increased significantly over the past 10 years, especially among young people. But the safety of the people remains very enviable, and the travelers are often astonished to have never been worried in the streets, during their visit.
Baggage or money theft remains exceptional, even if pickpocketing networks operate in the subways of Tokyo and Osaka. The media do not hesitate to report "crimes" committed by foreigners, especially in Asia, but these are mostly offenses against immigration laws or activities related to the sex industry.
If organized crime is not a myth, it is not likely to disturb the existence of the average citizen, much less your stay. The police are not interested in prostitution, gambling, the black market, illegal immigration or yakuza racketeering, just kicking the anthill when gang wars encroach on the public domain. .
If you encounter a problem, contact the nearest koban (police kiosk). You will find it everywhere, in every sector frequented as well as in front of the big railway stations and metro stations. If possible, have a witness or a Japanese accompany you.

Visa exemption

Japan has entered into a temporary residence visa waiver agreement with 62 countries, including Belgium, Canada, France and Switzerland. Nationals of these countries must carry a valid passport for the duration of the stay, a return air ticket (or boat) and a sum of money sufficient to meet their needs on the spot. . The length of stay allowed is 90 days (6 months for Swiss). This exemption applies to tourism, business trips, family visits, etc. ; it is not valid for paid activities or for stays longer than 90 days.

Visa and eligibility certificate

In cases where the temporary residence visa exemption is not applicable (stay longer than 90 days or to work), you will need to apply to your embassy for a visa adapted to the activity you intend to practice in Japan. The quickest and easiest way to obtain it is to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) at the Japanese consulate. For that, you will have to find beforehand a reception structure (employer, school, in-laws ...) who will deposit for you a request for CoE at a Japanese immigration office. Attention: it can take a few weeks, even a few months.
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.mofa.go.jp

Working Holiday Visa

It allows French and Canadian aged 18 to 30 to stay in Japan for one year and work to finance their stay.

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