تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص
جاهز باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع انجليزي عن ابدا موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي قصير كيفية كتابة موضوع تعبير
باللغة الانجليزية توجيهي قواعد كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي طريقة سهلة لكتابة تعبير
تعبير انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسك
كتابة paragraph باللغة الانجليزية
كتابة تعبير بالانجليزي عن المستقبل وصف
انجليزي يصلح لكل المواضيع موضوع انشاء شامل لكل المواضيع موضوع تعبير عربي يصلح
لجميع المواضيع موضوع تعبير انجليزي جاهز برجراف ينفع لاى موضوع
بالانجليزي قصيرة جدا
انجليزية قصيرة مع الترجمة
انجليزية طويلة
انجليزية قصيرة مترجمة للكبار
انجليزية قصيرة للاطفال
انجليزية قصيرة للمبتدئين
قصيرة بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي
قصيرة بالانجليزي سهلة
انجليزية قصيرة جدا مترجمة
قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي سهلة
قصيرة جدا بالانجليزي للمبتدئين
قصيرة بالانجليزي مترجمة بالعربي
بالانجليزي قصيرة جدا
قصيرة بالانجليزي للاطفال
قصيرة بالانجليزي سهلة مع الترجمة
قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الصداقة
انجليزية قصيرة مترجمة للكبار
قصيرة بالانجليزي عن الحيوانات
For years, Germaine
lives alone in the countryside with her eighteen cats ...
According to the given
plan, write a narrative beginning with the sentence: << For years,
Germaine lives alone in the countryside with her eighteen cats. >>
Where in the country
When? An autumn evening
Who? Germaine
What? She is about to go
to bed
The course
The trigger: Germaine
realizes that one of her pussies has not returned.
The Adventures:
Germaine is worried.
She paces.
She is watching at the
Germaine falls asleep.
The outcome:
Germaine hears a scratch
at the door.
Her pussy brought him a
Germaine adopts the
Title: April is gone
For years, Germaine
lives alone in a small house with her eighteen cats. One night, Germaine counts
her cats to check if they are all well returned. Q
Fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen, seventeen ... Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen ... Seventeen!
Germaine goes around the house, inspecting every corner, counting her cats
again. She always arrives at seventeen. It is missing a cat! It's April, the
little gray cat that has disappeared.
Germaine is very
worried, Avril does not usually stay out so late. Surely something has
happened. Germaine paces in the kitchen, then she settles in her rocking chair,
near the window to watch. The hours pass and Germaine falls asleep.
Suddenly, she wakes up
with a start. She heard a slight scratching at the front door. She rushes and
opens the door. On the landing, Avril is there, holding by the skin of the neck
of a puppy barely a week old.
Finally, everything is
explained. Avril did not want to give up this lost puppy. Germaine, to please
her pussy, adopt her baby and since we are the first day of the week, she
decides to call it Monday.
Title: Where's my pussy?
For years, Germaine
lives alone in the countryside with her eighteen pussies.
When she was little, her
parents were dead on a cruise. as a result of this tragic accident, Germaine
was adopted by her uncle. But a few years later, she was nine, her uncle had
gone fishing and never came back! To avoid trouble, she went to the forest and
found eighteen pussies in a big basket. She decided to adopt them. Several
years later, she and the pussies had become very great friends.
One autumn evening in the country, Germaine was
preparing to sleep when she noticed that one of these pussies was not there.
Germaine worried and paced. She looked out the window and fell asleep. Suddenly
in the middle of the night, she heard scratches on the door and gently she
opened it. It was her pussy in her mouth holding a puppy. Germaine wondered if
he could not let puppy out in the cold. So, she decided to adopt it!
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