معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
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معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي للاطفال
معنى كلمة dolphin بالعربية
paragraph about dolphins
اسم الحوت بالانجليزي
dolphin information

Big-nosed dolphin
The big-nosed dolphin, also known as the bottlenose dolphin or blower, is a very intelligent animal whose brain is comparable to that of man. The shape of his body is similar to that of a fish. He is gray on the back, pale gray on the flanks and white on the belly.
Classification of the Big-nosed Dolphin
Animal Kingdom
Branch: Chordate Vertebrate
Class: Placental Mammal
Order: Cetactiodactyl cetacean odontocete
Family: Delphinidae delphinidae.
Genre: Tursiops
Species: truncatus
Distribution of the Big-nosed Dolphin:
Distribution Big-nosed Dolphin: It lives in all the oceans and seas of temperate and tropical zones.
Its habitat: It likes mostly coastal areas and seldom goes out to sea.
Reproduction of the Big-nosed Dolphin:
Sexual Maturation: Sexual maturity occurs between 6 and 12 years of age in the female, and between 10 and 13 years of age in the male.
Season of love: The mating takes place in the summer.
Gestation: The gestation period is about 12 months.
Scope: The female calves only one cub, every 2-3 years, in general.
Scream of the big-nosed dolphin:
What noise does the big-nosed dolphin make? :
The dolphin whistles.
Physical characteristics of the Big-nosed Dolphin:
Size: 4 m
It measures between 2.70 and 4 m.

Weight: 650 kg
It weighs between 200 and 650 kg.

Longevity: 60 years
Females are able to live up to 40 years against 30 years for males. However some individuals can in rare cases live up to 60 years.

Speed: 30 km / h
He is able to swim at about 30 km / h. .
Power of the Big-nosed Dolphin:
Diet: Carnivore
Food: It feeds mainly on small fish (anchovies, mackerel, ...), cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish and octopus), but also crustaceans.
Conservation of the Big-nosed Dolphin:
IUCN Conservation Status: Data Deficient
Protection: The species appears to be in decline due to hunting, chemical and noise pollution, and human activities in general.
Blue dolphin
The blue dolphin or blue and white dolphin that looks a lot like the common dolphin. It differs from the latter in particular by its color: the back is dark blue, the sides of which gray, white and blue. In addition he has three blue bands starting from the eye and two blue bands on the flanks.
Classification of the blue dolphin
Animal Kingdom
Branch: Chordate Vertebrate
Class: Placental Mammal
Order: Cetactiodactyl cetacean odontocete
Family: Delphinine delphinine.
Genre: Stenella
Species: coeruleoalba
Distribution of the blue dolphin:
Distribution Blue dolphin: It is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans; it is very abundant or even too abundant in the Atlantic Ocean. There are also quite a few in the Mediterranean.
Its habitat: It has a preference for temperate and tropical waters.
Reproduction of the blue dolphin:
Sexual Maturation: Sexual maturity occurs between 7 and 12 years of age.
Gestation: The gestation lasts about 12 months.
Scope: The female gives birth to a single cub about 1 m long and 10 kg.
Scream of the blue dolphin:
What noise does the Blue Dolphin make? :
The dolphin whistles.
Physical characteristics of the blue dolphin:
Size: 2.6 m
It measures between 1.90 and 2.60 meters long.

Weight: 150 kg
It weighs between 80 and 150 kg.

Longevity: 75 years
Its life expectancy is estimated at 75 years.

Speed: 60 km / h
The dolphin is one of the fastest marine animals in the world, swimming up to 60 km / h. .
Diet of the blue dolphin:
Diet: Carnivore
Food: It feeds mainly on small fish but also crustaceans and squid.
Conservation of the blue dolphin:
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern
Protection: This dolphin is not in danger, it is even overcrowded in some places. However, fishing quotas have been set. Moreover, he is sensitive to diseases and pollution. It should not be that populations decrease, especially since it is unable to live in captivity.
Common dolphin
The common dolphin is dark gray in the head and upper surface of the body. Its flanks are yellowish or blue-gray; his belly is clear. It has a rather thin body and its beak is quite long and tapered.

Classification of the common dolphin
Animal Kingdom
Branch: Chordate Vertebrate
Class: Placental Mammal
Order: Cetactiodactyl cetacean odontocete
Family: Delphinine delphinine.
Genre: Delphinus
Species: delphis
Distribution of the common dolphin:
Distribution Common dolphin: It lives especially in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Black Sea. But there are also in the North Atlantic on the American, European and African coasts, in the Pacific near the Americas, in Japanese and New Zealand waters.
Habitat: It is found in temperate, subtropical and tropical shallow coastal waters.
Reproduction of the common dolphin:
Sexual Maturation: He reaches sexual maturity at 2 years old.
Season of love: The breeding season is in summer.
Gestation: The gestation lasts 10 months.
Scope: The female calves a single petia measuring 80 to 95 cm long.
Scream of the Common Dolphin:
What noise does the common dolphin make? :
The dolphin whistles.
Physical characteristics of the common dolphin:
Size: 2.4 m
The common dolphin is between 1.70 and 2.40 m long.

Weight: 110 kg
It weighs between 70 and 110 kg.

Longevity: 30 years
His life expectancy is 25-30 years.

Speed: 60 km / h
The dolphin is one of the fastest marine animals in the world, swimming up to 60 km / h. .
Food of the common dolphin:
Diet: Carnivore
Food: It feeds mainly on small fish such as anchovies and herring, or squid.
Conservation of the Common Dolphin:
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern

Protection: The species is not endangered but is still sensitive to chemical and noise pollution. Its fishing is much less intense today.

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