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حيوان اكل النمل بالانجليزي معلومات عن حيوان اكل النمل
اسم الحيوان الذي يأكل النمل حيوان اكل النمل اكل النمل يلد ام يبيض
آكل النمل الشوكي اسم حيوان اكل النمل آكل النمل الافريقي
ما اسم الحيوان الذي ياكل النمل الابيض آكل النمل الكبير

Physical description
The anteater is a large mammal of the family Myrmecophagidae. It measures between 182 and 217 cm on average, for a weight varying between 33 and 41 kg for males, 27 and 39 kg for females.
It is easily distinguished from other animals by its long muzzle, bushy tail and long front claws. It has no teeth, but a long tongue that can measure up to 60 cm. His neck is thicker than his back and his head.
Its coat is white on the front legs, gray on the hind legs, black at the wrists and has a thick black band that goes from the throat to the shoulder.

His place of life
The anteater is native to Central and South America. It is generally found in grasslands and tropical forest.

His diet
The anteater feeds on insects, mainly ants and termites. This is why it is also called "giant anteater" or "great anteater". He finds his food by digging the soil with his long legs, or by searching the tree trunks. Thanks to its long tongue covered with sticky saliva, it can quickly catch hundreds of insects.

His reproduction
The anteaters are able to reproduce between 2 and 4 years. After mating, the females carry their young for about 6 to 7 months. It is born a small one weighing 1.4 kg on average. The latter only opens the eyes after 6 days and stays on the back of his mother until weaning, at the age of 10 months.

His life expectancy
The giant anteater can live up to 25 years in captivity.

Particular signs
The anteater has a very bad eyesight but a very developed sense of smell, 40 times more powerful than that of a human being.

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