معلومات قصير موضوع انجليزي بحث تقرير بالانجليزي باللغة الانجليزية انشاء
موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة  وانواعها  اين تعيش ماذا ياكل مدة حياتها اسماء صغارها
تعبير عن الجمل بالانجليزي تعبير كتابي عن وصف حيوان اليف عبارات قصيره للاطفال
information about    paragraph معنى برزنتيشن  معلومات بسيطه  اسم  نطق كلمة معنى كلمة برجراف حيوان مفترس لاحم عاشب اليف متوحش وحيش الغابة موسوعة عالم الحيوانات برمائي كل شيئ عن تزاوج انواع الانجليزي  الشائعة معنى كلمة بالانجليزي اختصارات
معلومات عن الحيوانات بالانجليزي موضوع عن الحيوانات الاليفة بالانجليزي دورة حياتها
تغذية الحيوانات والحشرات على ماذا تتغذى كيف تتغذى الموسوعة تتذوق الطعام تصنيف
فوائد الجنس للصف الرابع للصف السابع الاول الثاني الثالث الخامس السادس الثامن التاسع كتابة  ذكر اضرار  معلومات طائر انواع  تربية قصة صفات حديقة الحيوانات مقدمة خاتمة عرض المزرعة لرياض الأطفال براعم لائحة اسماء الحيوانات العاشبة اللاحمة حيوانات تاكل النباتات مختلطة التغذية تتغذى الغريزة الحيوانية الكائنات المخلوقات  الحياة البرية

معلومات عن البقرة بالانجليزي بقره  بقر بالانجليزي جاموسه بالانجليزي حلوب

Milk cows are essential
The cow is a mammalian animal of the family Bovidae. She is domesticated and lives on farms.

It is a big herbivore very useful to the man for the dairy products which he withdraws from it. The skin also gives a good leather.

It is mostly exploited for the milk it gives. Farming dairy cows is now essential because milk is essential to our diet.

But before that she must have given birth to a calf. Thereafter she will give milk for at least 10 months.

At the age of two or three she will be ready for mating. After 280 days of gestation she will have a calf that she will feed until he can graze himself.

The cow has 4 stomachs. She swallows her food without chewing, then she regurgitates this food and masticates it to return it to a second stomach. It is said that she ruminates.

The breeding male is the bull. While she is young, the cow is called a heifer and the young male is called a bull.

The lifespan of the cow is 10 to 15 years.
Milk cows are essential
The cow is a mammalian animal of the family Bovidae. She is domesticated and lives on farms.

It is a big herbivore very useful to the man for the dairy products which he withdraws from it. The skin also gives a good leather.

It is mostly exploited for the milk it gives. Farming dairy cows is now essential because milk is essential to our diet.

But before that she must have given birth to a calf. Thereafter she will give milk for at least 10 months.

At the age of two or three she will be ready for mating. After 280 days of gestation she will have a calf that she will feed until he can graze himself.

The cow has 4 stomachs. She swallows her food without chewing, then she regurgitates this food and masticates it to return it to a second stomach. It is said that she ruminates.

The breeding male is the bull. While she is young, the cow is called a heifer and the young male is called a bull.

The lifespan of the cow is 10 to 15 years.


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