بحث موضوع تقرير برجراف برزنتيشن تعبير عن حيوان الحوت الدلفين الابيض طول الحوت الازرق الحوت الابيض والاسود كم يبلغ طول الحوت الاحدب معلومات عن الحوت الاسود
الحوت الابيض كرتون
white whale بلد المنشأ
الحوت الابيض الحلقة
الدلفين الأبيض.أو Beluga White Whal
 White Whale
white whale بلد المنشأ
white whale منتجات
وايت ويل هو حيوان ثديي مائي، يعيش في البحار الجليدية، ويهاجر في الشتاء نحو الجنوبويصل حتى السواحل الفرنسية وآلاسكا وكندا. يبلغ طوله ستة أمتار ووزنه طناً ونصف. يغ تذي الدلفين الأبيض على أسماك الأعماق والرخويات.
حيتانيات  العنبر قاتل أزرق حبار عملاق أحدب مقوس الرأس

Physical description
The beluga has several other names: white dolphin, white whale or white porpoise.
This marine animal can measure up to 6 meters long, the male being larger than the female. Its beak is short, its mouth is wide; its body is cylindrical and tapers at the extremities, that is to say at the muzzle and the tail. It is also a dolphin without wings. It weighs between 700 kg and 1.5 ton.
The beluga has the most developed sonar of all cetaceans.
His place of life
Belugas live in groups, either on the high seas or in coastal areas, most commonly in Arctic and subarctic waters. In the summer, they prefer shallow waters In winter, they migrate to cold waters: this is the best time to love. Beluga whales mingle easily with their peers of the same age.
His diet
This mammal seas eats fish (eel, capelin, cod, haddock, salmon ...), crustaceans, octopus and other seafood. It is enough to dive a few meters to find food.
His reproduction
The beluga baby is called "calf". After a 15-month gestation, the beluga female gives birth to only one young in the spring. At birth, the calf is gray in color; it does not become white until adulthood, 7 years for females and 9 years for males.
His life expectancy
The beluga lives on average between 30 and 50 years old.
His shout
The beluga has a wide range of sounds: squeaks, jingles, whistles, clicks. Because of this very varied repertoire, it is nicknamed the "canary of the seas", in reference to the vocalises of a bird.
Particular signs
The main predators of belugas are polar bears and orcas. But the man also hunts this mammal which was the first cetacean to have been put in captivity. The Beluga's skin is prized for its leather. In addition, as the beluga were accused of consuming large amounts of cod and salmon, the fishermen were able to have their harvest authorized to preserve the fishery.
Finally, marine pollution is a real danger to the survival of these white animals.

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