موضوع عن الاسكندريه بالانجليزي
تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز عن
تعبير بالانجليزي عن تركيا. تقرير جاهز 
برجراف عن مكتبه الاسكندريه
موضوع عن الاسكندرية
paragraph about alexandria
بحث عن منارة الاسكندرية
برجراف عن alexandria lighthouse
paragraph about a journey to alexandria
paragraph about alexandria lighthouse
paragraph about alexandria library

بحث عن الاسكندريه بالانجليزي ، بحث كامل عن الاسكندريه
الإسْكَنْدَرِيَّة ولقبها «عروس البحر الأبيض المتوسط» تعتبر العاصمة الثانية لمصر
بحث باللغه الانجليزيه عن مدينة الاسكندريه


The city of Alexandria, made famous by its famous lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was founded in -331 by Alexander the Great. It was built on the ruins of an ancient city: Rakhotis. The historical writings are not clear on this, for some, the city was a fishing village, for others, the term rakhotis, which can be translated as "the building", would have been the first city built by the Greeks . Another insinuating hypothesis that the word would mean "the building site", and would simply be a name given by the Egyptians to the place during its construction by Alexander. In other words, the past of the city is not clear. Historically speaking, the country in which the city was built was inhabited by people, shepherds and bandits.

From the beginnings of her birth, she announced herself exceptional. Alexander calls upon Deinocrates of Rhodes, a famous Greek architect, to design the city. These slogans are simple; he wants a checkerboard plan, with broad avenues intersecting in right angles. The city will not stop growing. Under Ptolemy first; son of Lagos, the founder of the Lagides dynasty, he received the city as a share on the death of Alexander, settled there and decided to make it the capital of Egypt in -319. Then in the hands of its many other leaders and will quickly become one of the cultural and intellectual centers of the ancient world. Its famous library being for something ... The building also housing a museum, an academy and a university, it was a long time with the lighthouse, the Holy Grail of the city. Renowned around the world, it attracted a crowd of intellectuals and scientists in its walls. But a fire in -47 ravaged part of it.

Later, the city is another equally important vocation; a commercial and military appeal. Its port becomes the point of fall of many traders and armies of the Mediterranean basin. The coming of Christianity, however, will profoundly mark the city and from the third century, a serious decline begins. The magnificent temples are destroyed, what remained of its library is closed, the population decreases heavily ... In 646, the fall of Alexandria is at its height. The last Greeks, who worked so much for its radiance, leave the city, leaving it in Arab hands. Then, invested during the Crusades, Alexandria loses its last sign of grandeur ... Its lighthouse, which has nevertheless served for centuries, is only a ruin among many others. In the Middle Ages, the city was then a small fishing village with a glorious past.

It was not until the eighteenth century and the arrival of Napoleon to restore the city's golden age. It was, however, only of short duration; the new viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, will erase in an ultimate end what was Alexandria by building a new city on the site of the ancient city in 1805. Even if the city then knows the influx of many populations, which will bring him a great cultural richness and the new beginning of his commercial activity, the revolution of 1952 compels foreign traders to return to their country. Today inhabited by about 5 million inhabitants, mostly of Egyptian origin, Alexandria remains the most important port city of Egypt, but no longer has its radiation of yesteryear.

However, some vestiges of the past still stand between its walls, as an immortal proof that Alexandria was in the past the magnificent city described in ancient texts. One can admire the rest of the Roman auditorium of the city, recently discovered on the site of a cemetery. The two pink granite sphinxes, near the column of Pompey, discovered in 1906 where an annex of the famous library of Alexandria was located, are to be seen. To plunge into a more recent era, the fort of Sultan Qaytbay on the site of the old lighthouse of Alexandria, where the new library of Alexandria, inaugurated in 2002, will certainly not remove the nostalgia of the old but are important cultural and historical sites of the city. What remains of old Alexandria by some ruins? ... Its port remains one of the busiest of Egypt, its formerly cosmopolitan population keeps the traces of its interbreeding. But the splendor neither is more ... For Alexandria, in his wisdom, knew that to be a unique city was to be an ephemeral city.

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