تعبير تقرير برجراف فقرة برزنتيشن بحث موضوع ملخص جاهز باللغة الانجليزية  انشاء عبارات سهل بسيط قطعة معلومات عامة شاملة بسيطة مبسط نبذة عن الاقتصاد السكان جمل عن بلادي كلمة رحلة مقال جمهورية دولة حول  تكاليف المعيشه السياحة للطلاب عرض للصف السادس للصف الاول للصف الثاني للصف الثالث للصف الرابع للصف الخامس للصف السادس للصف السابع للصف الثامن للصف التاسع للصف العاشر  ابتدائي جمل  سهل وقصير معالم  موقع  تقرير عن تراث بالانجليزي ابي موضوع  ابراج خمس جمل قديما  أبرز المناطق السياحية مختصر حول الحياة والعادات والتقاليد فى  لمحة تعريفية بالانجلش تلخيص قصير كلمة تحدث  تقرير انجليزي عن اي دوله مقدمة خاتمة  information about   paragraph  presentation  location  my country uae كم عدد سكان  مدن  الوجهات العرب المسافرون نقاط الاهتمام مساحة تحدث جغرافية جغرافيا  عبارات شعر قصيدة مؤثر كلام قصير مترجم بالعربي  شكل عام موضوع مؤثر اللغات الرسمية ديانة  اسماء مدن  المناطق الريفيه الشعب الجنس رئيس لغتها الرسمية قوانين موقع  الوطن عادات وتقاليد بحث علمي

The economic and financial situation of
Economy impacted by prolonged decline in oil prices
1. An economy in transition that remains fueled by hydrocarbons.
Despite the increase in oil production (4.5 Mb / d in March 2016 against 3.3 Mb / d in March 2015) and
exports (3.3 Mb / d versus 2.7 Mb / d over the same period), lower prices per barrel of crude oil (28 USD
the barrel in March 2016 against 101 USD in March 2014) has a significant impact on public finances. The deficit
public accounts rose from USD 13.2 billion in 2014 (or 5.6% of GDP) to USD 23.3 billion in 2015
(ie 14.5% of GDP) and the current account deficit rose from USD 1.7 billion (0.8% of GDP) to 10.8
USD billion (or 6.4% of GDP) over this period.
The hydrocarbons sector accounts for 51.8% of GDP, 89% of government revenue and 84% of
exports of goods and services. This strategic sector, however, remains a poor source of employment (1%) and
its vulnerability to the volatility of world prices is now worrying the Iraqi authorities who come from
launch a reflection on diversification projects aimed at developing the productivity of the industry out of
hydrocarbons and national agriculture. The share in GDP of other major sectors of activity is
broken down as follows: agriculture: 9.7%; industry: 60%; services: 30%.
While it was -2.1% in 2014, the growth in volume of GDP is off again in 2015
(+ 2.4%) and is expected to be around 2.5% in 2016. At the same time, inflation has been
slightly lower in 2015 (1.4%) than in 2014 (2.2%) and oil
reached 3.4 million b / d in early 2016, a sharp increase compared to the same period in 2015 (3 million b / d).
2. A 2016 fiscal year marked by austerity.
The federal budget, adopted on December 16, 2015, is under the austerity banner with a total
receipts of USD 69.2 billion (compared to USD 80.65 billion in 2015) and expenditure of USD 89.7 billion (compared
102 billion USD in 2015), an announced deficit of 20.5 billion dollars (11.8% of GDP). Expenditure
Investments (USD 21.8 billion) show a sharp decline of 65% compared to the previous year (36
USD billion). Major expense items are not expected to change from the previous year
and correspond to the ministries considered as priorities (Oil, Defense, Interior and Electricity).
To make up for shortcomings in public finances, a plan to support the development of the private sector,
all segments, was presented by the Prime Minister in February 2015. Investors
foreigners are invited to enter into public-private partnerships, particularly in electricity generation and
The privatization of some state-owned and dilapidated companies is clearly under consideration.
The reconstruction of the country, combined with the stabilization of the areas
will be released from the grip of Daesh, exceed $ 600 billion.
1. Despite strong cyclical constraints, the potential of the Iraqi market remains interesting.
The results of the 9th National Development Plan (2010-2014) did not live up to expectations,
because of the sharp deterioration of the politico-security situation in 2014, and job creation
announced (3 million), as well as the reduction of the unemployment rate (officially 19%
but actually around 30% of the working population).
From 2016, efforts will be applied to major infrastructure projects, the oil industry, energy
(electricity), transport and security for around 70% of investment expenditure. In
To a lesser extent, agriculture, water, health and construction will also receive the attention of the authorities.
The downward trend in crude oil prices adversely affects the strategic planning of the reconstruction of the
country but some experts expect a next rise in prices around 50 USD / barrel,
which would make it possible to finance the extraordinary expenses related to the fight against Daech and the reception of more than
two million displaced people.
2. Table of economic and financial indicators
2012 2013 2014 2015 (e)
Population (M of inhabitants) 33.64 34.78 35.87 36.98
GDP (MdUSD) 218,232.5 223.5 169.5
GDP per capita (USD) 6469 6685 6231 4583
Evolution of GDP (%) 13.3 6.6 - 2.1 2.4
Average inflation (%) 6.1 1.9 2.2 1.4
Share of hydrocarbons in GDP (%) 53.6 52.9 51.8 n.e.
Oil production (Mb / d) 2.95 2.98 3.31 3.45
Average price per barrel exported (USD) 106.7 102.2 97 50.1
Public account (% of GDP) 4.1 -5.8 - 5.6 -14.5
Government debt / GDP 33.8 31.9 38.9 66.1
Current Balance (MdUSD) 13.7 3.2 - 1.7 -10.8
Current balance / GDP 6.3% 1.4% -0.8% -6.4%
External debt (MdUSD) 60.3 59.2 61 58.8
Investment flows. Direct (MdUSD) 3,4 4,78 4,78 3

Sources: IMF - Beirut Regional Economic Service

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