تعبير برجراف مقال  نبذة سيرة انشاء تقرير موضوع برزنتيشن فقرة
،بحث كامل نبذة عن العالم قصة حياة معلومات بالانجليزي من هو مؤلفات انجازات فلسفة بحث جاهز باللغة الانجليزية علماء عرب .. أبرز كتب ومؤلفات The story
بحث نشأة وحياته  علوم العلوم الفلكية  علم الأحياء  علم النبات  الفلسفة ومترجم موضوع انجليزي عن عالم مشهور موضوع انجليزي عن العالم  معلومات مختصرة موضوع تعبير عن شخص مشهور بالانجليزي قصير تعبير عن قدوتي  معلومة عن مختصرة
الكتب انجازات وفاة  مسيرته حياته علمه تلامذته باختصار مترجم العالم
أبو علي الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم (354 هـ/965م-430 هـ/1040م) عالم موسوعي مسلم قدم إسهامات كبيرة في الرياضيات والبصريات والفيزياء وعلم الفلك والهندسة وطب العيون والفلسفة العلمية والإدراك البصري سيرته أعماله كتاب المناظر نظرية الرؤية المنهج العلمي مسألة ابن الهيثم أعمال فيزيائية أخرى الأبحاث البصرية الفيزياء الفلكية أعماله في علم الفلك معلومات عن ابن الهيثم بالانجليزي من هو ابن هيثم انجازات ابن الهيثم ابن الهيثم تعليمه وتحصيله العلمي بحث عن الحسن بن الهيثم كامل ابن الهيثم الكتب وفاة ابن الهيثم ibn al haytham inventions


Alhazen was born in Basra in 965 in present-day Iraq, where he received an education which he completed, however, in the city of Baghdad. At the time, Basra was under the control of the Buwayhid dynasty that reigned over Persia. That's why he is sometimes referred to as al-Basri. Although this version is not accepted by everyone, most people agree that he died in Cairo in Egypt in 1039.
His work in optics

Alhazen has written several books on optics. In his Kitab fi'l Manazir (Treatise on Optics), a book devoted to optical physics and which he took six years to write (1015-1021), he scientifically proves the theory of Aristotle's intromission that the light enters the eye. It proves that all objects reflect light in all directions, but it is when a ray collides at 90 ° with the eye that we will see the object reflecting the ray. The image, according to Alhazen, was formed on the lens.

In the same field, he says that the eye could perceive the shape, the color, the transparency as well as the movement of something. He also proved that the eye actually perceives two images even if we only see one by the demonstration and not by the logic and the beauty of the reasoning. This book was translated into Latin in 1270 and pleased the scientists of the Middle Ages. According to him the refraction of the light is caused by a slowing or an acceleration of the light in its displacement. In a denser medium the light travels more slowly according to Alhazen. It also finds a ratio between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction but this ratio is constant only when it is the same material that refracts the radius. He does all his work in a dark room which we owe him the invention. It explains the magnifying power of lenses.

He still did not solve everything. Indeed, he never solved the problem that was named the Alhazen billiards problem. The problem can be summed up as "find the point, on the edge of a circular billiard, where the tail ball must be sent to come back to hit the black ball after bouncing once on the edge". Alhazen was able to find it through conic sections, but no one, or even him, was able to prove it mathematically using algebra. Leonardo da Vinci designed an instrument with an articulated system to build a mechanical solution to Alhazen's problem. Several scientists have tried to solve this problem like Christian Huygens who did great things in light. But 1000 years later an Oxford professor completed his work. He proved through algebra and this gives a fourth-degree equation.

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