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United Arab Emirates, Federal State of the Gulf
A federal state of seven emirates, the political functioning of the United Arab Emirates is unique in the region.
The third largest hydrocarbon producer in the world, the state is very dependent on its oil but tries to diversify its economy.
In the Gulf crisis, the UAE has always followed the decisions of its three allies, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt, against Qatar.
Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid al-Maktoum (C), Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed al-Nahyan (C-G) and Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (d), in February 2017 in Abu Dhabi. / Karim Sahib / AFP
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) spans nearly 83,000 square kilometers. Umm al-Qawain, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah, Ajman, Ras al-Khaimah and Sharjah: the 7 emirates of this federal state share a past and a common present. Former Persian Gulf Emirates, in 1971, all become independent and become the independent federation of the UAE.
But of the seven, Abu Dhabi and Dubai stand out from the others. Together they form the true economic and political heart of the UAE.
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A majority of foreigners
The United Arab Emirates has a total population of 9.9 million people, the vast majority of whom live in Abu Dhabi, the capital city (1.3 million inhabitants), and in Dubai, the most populous city in the UAE with nearly 2.75 million inhabitants.
As in most other Gulf countries except Oman, a huge portion of the UAE's population is made up of migrants, whose chances of obtaining the nationality of the federal state are tiny. Today, Emirati people represent only 19% of the population, the rest being shared between Iranians or other citizens of Arab countries (23%) and Asians, who alone represent 50% of the population. The majority of Emir is Sunni (96%).
In this federal state composed of constitutional monarchies, power is divided into several chambers, complementary to each other. The Supreme Council, first of all, is the most important body in the state, where the seven emirs sit. Its power is legislative and executive. Every five years, they elect the President and Vice-President of the Emirates, currently held by Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the Federation and Emir of Abu Dhabi, and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rachid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Vice President of the Federation.
Second instance essential to the good functioning of the state, the Federal National Council is composed of forty members from all the emirates. Similar to parliament, its power is advisory. Finally, the Council of Ministers embodies the executive power.
Abu Dhabi, the oil and the measure
The third largest producer of hydrocarbons in the world, the United Arab Emirates would be nothing without Abu Dhabi: the emirate of a little over 60,000 square kilometers concentrates indeed 90% of the oil of the UAE which, in total, represents 60% of national GDP.

The other strong point of the little emirate, his education. Known for the high proportion of its students who go abroad to study, Abu Dhabi also opens its teaching to foreign universities, like the French university Sorbonne which, at the invitation of the emirate, has opened an office in 2006, the only francophone university in the region. The majority of its students are Emirati, but nearly 80 nationalities are represented, including 15% of French. One more proof of this desire to open the emirate: a Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi, designed by the architect Jean Nouvel, should open its doors at the end of the year.
READ: Dubai, the rush to art
Dubai, UAE showcase
Second major asset of the federal state, the emirate of Dubai. Although far less oil-rich than Abu Dhabi, it is equally important for the UAE economy: the world's seventh largest port and a major regional business center, the emirate alone contributes a quarter of GDP .
Often considered the "showcase" of the Emirates with its crazy architecture, city state, Dubai is the real economic platform of the Emirates. From October 20, 2020 to April 10, 2011, it will host the next World Expo, on the theme "Connect the spirits, build the future".
Arab Spring
Unlike some of its neighbors, the United Arab Emirates has not been affected by the wave of uprisings that in 2010-2011 hit the Arab world. But, for fear of spreading protests among the population, the country's authorities had taken great care to strengthen police surveillance. At the time, the UAE had clearly taken a stand for the regimes already in place, as during the crackdown on the Bahraini movement alongside Saudi Arabia.
In terms of gender equality, the latest report of the World Economic Forum, "The gender global gap 2016" puts the UAE at the bottom of the overall ranking, but in a good position compared to its neighbors: at 124th out of a total 144 countries, the UAE is ahead of Kuwait (128th), Bahrain (131st), Oman (133rd and Saudi Arabia, ranked 141st out of 144. Only Qatar, 119th rank, ahead of the federal state.

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